Bullied for looks

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Question: Hi, ever since I was a little kid I have always been bullied for my looks. I was just wondering if you were ever bullied and do you have any advice for me on how to ignore them?

I just want to start off by saying that nobody should be bullied for their looks. I think everyone is beautiful, we tend to have opinions on what is beautiful but I think everything has beauty some people just cant see it.

I was bullied my 6th and 7th grade years a lot. I was bullied for stupid things like the way my hair was cut and the brand of clothes I wore, I was bullied for my braces when I had them.

But honestly it doesnt matter what other people think of you. If you are happy with yourself then why does it matter what they think of you? I think people tend to judge too much and I have judged people too and I regret it.

I think that you should be happy with who you are and not let others bring you down.

I think you should just look in the mirror and point out everything you like about yourself and then straighten your back and walk out with confidence.

You are special, unique you and you are the only you that has and will ever exist. I think if we spend our time worried about what other's think of us we lose a lot of time in which we could be happy.

Stay strong!!

Have a wonderful day bitches xoxo

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