Non-supportive parents

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Question: I was inspired by your coming out story and so I gathered enough courage to tell my parents and it went....horrible. My parents screamed and yelled at me and they weren't supportive at all about me sexuality. My friends are so supportive of me! Why cant my parents?:(

In order to answer this question I asked my dad about why he didn't want me being gay before he learned to be supportive and I got something I think can help you. For the most part parents really care for their children even if they don't show it well. When I told my dad I was gay he started thinking of everything that could go wrong. He was worried that I would get bullied more for my sexuality, he was wondering what he did wrong. And there is nothing wrong with being gay or lesbian or bi or pansexual. My dad told me he was just worried about me and he loves me so much but he just feared the future.

My dad was raised catholic so he was raised with a very strict faith and he didn't believe people should be gay or lesbian, etc. So sometimes it is religion that they can't get by.

Sometimes parents just need a little time to let it sink in. My dad was worried that the rest of the family wouldn't accept me or that people would treat me differently for it. The rest of my family was hesitant at first but realized that I am still a part of their family and they eventually accepted it.

I am not telling you that this is easy and I am SO SO SO SO SO proud of you for coming out! And it will be rough ahead. This life will give you shit for your sexuality but you are strong! Each day will become easier from here, I remember it was really hard but it gets better. I remember everytime I got home from school he would interrogate me but it was just because he was worried about me.

And there are parents who will never be able to accept it. Talk to them though. Communicate with them, tell them about how you feel and if they ask anything about your sexuality be honest with them. It is a hard thing for them to here unless they themselves are gay or lesbian or bi or pansexual, etc. Stay strong! Things will get better!

It is a journey and even if you never gain your parents support there are LGBT clubs and there are people out there who are totally cool about it! I know the feeling of wanting your parents support, just give it sometime and stay strong!

Have a wonderful day bitches xoxoco

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