8. Will you stay with me?

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When I walked in the door I saw Germany rummaging through the fridge. He looked at me and then the lasagna. "I'm home with dinner" I grinned cheek to cheek. His eyes looked somewhat surprised and relieved while he backed out of the fridge. Germany walked over, scuffed my hair, hugged my head, and took the lasagna out of my hands to the stove so it could warm up a little. He grabbed a giant beer for him and I only asked for a little wine glass. Normally I would want x10 more, but if he was going to get drunk somebody needed to stay sober. Unlike today, he would sit tense and focus only on the food, avoiding eye contact. But today seemed different. His shoulders slumped, he lazily leaned back in his chair, and threw his legs in front of him under the table. Is he tired? "This is good!" Germany's eyes lit up. "Jou made this??" "Yes! With-a help from-a France..." I scratched the back of my head nervously. "I love it." He smiled. This made me utterly relieved. I was taking small sips of wine, trying to keep myself under control for wanting more while Germany was practically inhaling beer. "Ummm-a Germany? You-a should probably stop." He looked up at me, sober looking. "Jou know Italy... I vas so vorried earlier..." He stood up, walking towards me. "I sought jou vere going to leave me...." He slammed the table. "It-a must have scared-a him..." I thought. "Yes he's-a drunk, but he-a seems different than-a usual. Even before this-a though- the-a laid back attitude and-a posture..." I was deep in thought when I realized he was hovering over me. I looked up in my seat and as best as I could I tried to properly respond to the drunk German. "I-a wouldn't leave without-a notice. I-a probably would leave-a a note." I smiled, trying to keep him from getting angry. "So... Jou are saying jou will leave?" His eyes started tearing. "OH MY-A GOD THIS GUY IS-A BAD EMOTIONAL-A DRUNK." My head screamed. "Oh-a what to do, what-a to do.." Then it came to me. My expression of fear left and instead my face relaxed with a kind smile. He was on his knees on the floor as I kneeled next to him, so I was slightly higher. "Germany," I hugged his head to my chest, "I won't-a leave you. Ok?" I heard muffled sniffles, and I felt his head nod. "It's-a promise." He wrapped his arms around me. We stayed like that for a couple of minutes. For a man his size he looked so vulnerable like this, so fragile. I knew even though he was drunk he didn't want to show me his face right then. His face nuzzled a little more into my chest and his large hands held my back. As I was about to let go to go clean the dishes, he picked me up bridal style, catching me by surprise. He carried me to the couch with a tear stained face with a smile. "Italy," he began, "Thank jou." It made me happy to see the stress he had gone. He gave me some more wine, urging me to join him. Merrily, we talked about the most trifling stories and laughed at the stupidest things. Suddenly Germany asked, "Italy, vould jou join me?" "Join you?" "To become the greatest country in ze world together!" He explained, smile and everything. I snapped out of the trance the alcohol in me and teared up. "No... You don't-a remember do you?" I stood up, covering my head with my bangs. "It's-a you... Yet you don't-a even remember me!" I ran into my bedroom and locked the door. The tears blurred my vision along with the alcohol but I knew well enough that this was happening. "Wait..." It crossed my mind. "Does he-a even remember me?"

Do You Remember?   Germany x ItalyWhere stories live. Discover now