20. First Day

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"I have-a 7 days... And three more hours till-a he remembers." I told myself. "So-a a life time of-a love in 7 days after 3 hours." My glistened in determination. "Seems-a fun!!" I took it as a challenge. I ran down the hall and went to the stairs smelling sausage Ludwig was cooking. "LUDDDDDDYYYYYYYYY" I sang to my new boyfriend. I tripped and tumbled down the stairs. Ludwig stopped the cooking and ran over to my side immediately. "Feliciano are jou ok?!" He sat me up right. Giggling, I quickly turned myself around and laid backwards landing on Ludwig's lap. He blushed and tried to act calm about it but it didn't work at all. "I'm-a fine~. Hey Luddy, why-a are you so-a red?" I lifted my head and kissed his chin. You would think he would be more open to this, but he gets flustered so easily and it makes me laugh. "Vhat do jou mean?" He tried harder to hide his blush. I struggled to get up and turned back around to see my German in a frenzy with himself. I took a wiff of the air and looked at him, "I smell-a sausage..." "THE SAUSAGES!!!" He scrambled to his feet and booked it to the stove. He flicked the stove off and removed the scorched sausage from the pan. He picked one of the sausages up and tapped it a couple of times on the counter. It was rock hard and chipped the counter. (Lol Sarth_Shien X"D) I laughed so hard tears came out of my eyes while Ludwig stood staring at the sausage as he threw it away, the same look someone would give if they lost something precious. "Let's go eat somewhere else." His attitude changed to one of disappointment. "I feel like I just sunk to Britain's level..." He mumbled. I could tell he really just wanted to make our first breakfast as a couple, but he burned it. I walked over to the plate of sausages and found one that wasn't as burnt as the others (Don't get me-a wrong it-a still was pretty bad!) and examined it. Ludwig stared at me in confusion. I quickly took a bite of it and chewed. The texture reminded me of cereal, but tasted like Britain got ahold of it. I gagged then smiled at him, "It tastes great!" He laughed at me as he pulled me in for a hug and scruffed my hair. "Thank jou Italy." "Do I-a still have to eat-a it?" "No." His face turned red from how hard he laughed when I pushed him away and ran to the trash to spit what I had in my mouth out. He got me a water that I practically inhaled. He pecked my cheek as gratitude and then went to clean up the mess. "He has smiled so much in just one morning," I looked at his smiling face cleaning the dishes. "I want to make him happier." My day just got a whole lot brighter. "Luuuuddddyyyyyy~" I wrapped my arms around his neck from behind. "Luddy??" His cheeks were dyed pink. "Your-a nickname!" "Then I vill call jou Feli." He acted like such a girl, contradictory to what his looks say. I smiled into his back. "Ok."

~3 hours later~

I ran downstairs to the sound of a slam against the wall and a vase knocking over. Ludwig was leaning against the wall slowly sinking as tears rolled from his cheeks. "Italy.. Italy!!" He grabbed my shoulders and I hugged him into my chest. "Is he remembering??? It sounds so painful..." We were sitting on the floor as he cried into my shoulder. "Shhh, Luddy what's-a wrong?" I stroked his hair trying to be a soothing as possible. Suddenly his crying came to a complete stop. His head lifted slowly and he looked me in the eyes, "I-Italy... Jou vaited..." I smiled at him, he remembered. "Yes, I-a waited Luddy." I hugged him back into my shoulder again. "I'm so sorry!!" He wailed. "I'm sorry I forgot!!!" His breathing was jagged. "Listen to-a me Ludwig." He looked at me yet again, my shoulder wet. "I waited for-a you, but that doesn't-a mean I don't love-a you now for-a who you are ok? I-a love you for-a you." I tried explaining to him. I felt bad for doing this to him, but I promised Holy Rome... Germany got up, holding his head. "I need some time to myself..." He walked to his room and closed his door. "This-a may have-a been a very bad-a idea."

It's 4:26 pm and Germany has been in there for 8 hours and 6 minutes. Before I knocked on the door to his room I texted Prussia since he might want to know of his condition. No reply from Luddy. I slowly opened the door with caution, and found him sleeping on his bed. I sat next to him, looking at his sleeping face. "I'm sorry." I said to the sleeping German. "I wonder why this causes you so much pain." I said under my breath. "Have jou ever thought it was because I hurt jou for so long, not knowing it?" My eyes shot over to his, surprised he was awake. "Jou don't need to be sorry." He sat up combing the lose hairs back into place. He sighed and looked at me, "I didn't mean anything personally, I just needed some time to process all of this." He smiled sympathetically. "Besides, vether I vas Holy Rome or not I vould still love jou too." "Rekindling that flame vest?" Prussia stood in the door, not bothering to knock just like Romano. "Bruder Vhy did jou not tell me this?! And Vhy does nobody knock coming into my house?!" Prussia sighed and leaned against the door frame. "Because vhen I found jou, jou vere so broken jou veren't the same boy I heard about before. Jou seemed to also be in a state of shock, forgetting vho jou vere and vhere jou vere. So the awesome me decided jou cannot go back to the same vay jou used to be. Jou vould get hurt again. So I took jou under my wing like the awesomeness I am and decided to call jou Germany and raise jou, that vay jou would forget vhat happened. I figured it vould be best to keep it a secret but jou seem to have gained jour memories back... Listen I just came to check up on jou since Italy said jou veren't feeling good, but it seems your fine so I'll catch your unawesomeness later. I gotta go see birdie, bye." He waved his hand left. "Way to-a drop a bomb and-a leave." I thought. I could tell Ludwig was thinking the same thing. "Feli." He purred into my ear. "WHEN DID-A HE GET SO-A CLOSE?!" My head screamed. I felt my face heat up. I could just imagine the steam coming out of my ears, and I know he could see it too because he continued. "I'm feeling a bit lonely up here, being in my room all day." My heart jumped to my throat. "Vill jou help me fill this empty void?" I just nodded. I got up on the bed and laid next to him, hiding my face. "Are jou ok Feli?" He asked. "Y-yes." "Vhat's wrong? Vhy are jou hiding jour face then?" "Your-a voice..." "My voice?" I could tell he smirked because he leaned closer to me. "Vhat about my voice?" He was breathing hot air into my ear. A shiver was sent down my spine. "I-it's too-a exotic Luddy!" I managed to push out, thinking maybe he would stop if I gave him an answer. It took a lot of effort just for that one sentence. At the same time though I didn't want him to stop. He licked my ear. "Really?" He continued. He enjoyed making me flustered, then again I enjoyed flustering him too. "Show me jour face Feli." I let my hands move from my face and saw him looking at me. I stared back into his eyes. They slowly lost contact when we shut them to go in for a kiss. Finally our lips met, I was so impatient about it. Our lips connected. His tongue licked my bottom lip asking for entrance and I let him in. Our tongues wrestled and explored the others mouth. It was almost like a fight for dominance we both sat up, lips still connected. He was taller than me even when sitting so I got on my knees so I was taller, but this didn't stop him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer if that was even possible. Prussia came down the hall, his footsteps unnoticed because of the sound of our heavy breathing. He turned into the room and froze in his tracks. We both stop after seeing the figure out of the corner of our eyes. We both pulled away, a bridge of saliva still connecting us until we wiped it away. "Kesesese, vhat do be have here?" He grinned. I looked down at the bed nervously. "It's-a his older brother!!!" "Just going to say the the awesome me left my phone somewhere. Do jou know vhere it is?" "Gilbert." Luddy stood from the bed, walking to the door.
"Oh shit." Prussia stood there for a moment, then booked it down the hall. Ludwig chased after him. I crawled off the bed hearing the sound of hands hitting the wall trying to get more acceleration. Prussia jumped the whole flight of stairs, landing on his feet and headed for the door. Ludwig did the same thing not too far behind. The door flew open and Prussia grabbed a boys hand. "We gotta go birdie!!!!" He had a curl stick out of his hair that was a little curlier than mine. They both ran down the street, Ludwig still on their heels. 5 minutes later he came back to the house, running his fingers through his hair. "Sorry about my bruder Feli..." He hugged me. "Ah Luddy it's-a fine!" I smiled at him. "It's been a good first day."

TADAAAAAA!!! I wrote with a horrible headache so sorry if it's bad, but I wanted to write XD just wanted to say Thanks to Alex_Beilschmidt for being so supportive! Please go follow him! He also has a GerIta fanfic that is just ADORABLE OMG YOU WILL DIE READING IT <3 (also don't worry this isn't the fluffy lemon, that is for a later chapter my child *w*) Anywho hoped you enjoyed this chapter! Another update is soon to come! Also I feel like I should just say this but the burnt sausage inspiration came to me after a real event I had with my friend Sarth_Shien , where on our first sleepover 3 years ago we decided to make brownies, but left to go upstairs to go play video games. Suddenly I pipe up with "it smells like brownies.." (Well no shit Sherlock you guys were making them! But I totally forgot about them sooo -w-; plus we never set a timer!!) and she scrambled to her feet flying down the stairs screaming "THE BROOOWWWWNIIIEEEESSSSS" thinking she set the house on fire. Luckily we didn't, but when she pulled them out they were rock solid and so she decided to hit them against the counter and they didn't even dent!!! X"D just a fun story. We have plenty of other stupid stories I might sneak in there sooo Watch out Sarth_Shien !!!

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