33. From, Boss

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Germany P.O.V

It was early in the morning, 4 am to be precise. It was still dark out but I wanted to get a quick jog around the neighborhood. Jogging helps me think and clear my mind. Recently I've been thinking a lot about Feliciano, but not the way I want to. My mind has been filling with doubts recently. "Does Feli really love me?" Is the biggest one I've had. There are also a bunch of little things such as, "Does he only see me as Holy Rome? Vhat am I in his eyes? He has gone back to vork recently to pay off his debt, him and that girl look really cute together. Now zhat I zhink about it he doesn't talk to me zhe vay he does vith other people. Like zhe girls he flirts vith..." I slowed to a walk when I reached the front of the house. I let out a sad sigh, keeping my tears from even glossing over my eyes. It gave me a bad headache. I looked over at the mailbox and decided to check it since I didn't check it yesterday. I peered into the tiny mailbox to find a single envelope, addressed to me. I took the letter in and sat down at the kitchen table ripping open the top. It read:

"Dear Mr. Beilshmit,

I care to inform you that this Thursday there will be a party held in your honor in an attempt to find you a spouse. There will be many females both human and country alike to match your taste. We expect your presence.


It was a short letter, but indeed a frustrating one. If I had found this yesterday I would of had a two day notice, more time to think. But I have to be there tomorrow. Our bosses don't know we are dating, so this will be a headache. "I should probably tell Feli." I thought. Then another thought came to me, "Do I need to tell him?" I was staring at the table, in deep thought when I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. I folded the letter up and stuffed it back in the envelope, hiding it in one of my pockets. "Luddy..." He rubbed his eyes like a child before sleepily yawning. "Ja Italia?" I replied monotone. He giggled, "It's-a been a while since-a you've called me that." "Ja." I blandly responded, not making any eye contact. "Luddy-" "Don't." "Don't-a what?" He walked closer. "Stay avay... Stop getting closer..." I thought. He inched closer and reached out his hand to my turned back, about to rest his hand on my shoulder, "Lud-" "GO AVAY!!!" I whipped around, trying to smack his hand away. Except I missed his hand.

I smacked him across the face.

We both stood in shock for a moment, before I leaned in to see if he was ok. "Italia I'm-" he held his red patched cheek, and smiled at me. "It's-a ok Ludwig. I went to-a far. I'll leave you-a alone." He dropped his hand from his cheek and walked away. "Vhat kind of smile vas zhat? Better yet, vhat have I done?" I stared at my hand. My empty hand, the one I usually held Italy's hand with, wiped his tears with... and smacked him with... I really messed things up. I started cleaning because of the stress. "I guess I ended zhings..." While cleaning I went upstairs, and put the envelope on my desk in our room. I didn't see Feliciano anywhere, I'm assuming he left for his brothers house. I'm sure to get a bullet in my leg later. I walked around and locked all the doors and windows, I wasn't taking my chances. "I guess I should go to zhe event, now zhat I have a reason to go." I sighed, it crushed me a little, but I didn't understand why. I mean, I didn't have to worry about Italia not liking me. "I zhink I ended our relationship. He is probably crying to Romano. He vill be fine." I tried to brush it off. But the thought of Feliciano crying made my chest tight, and the fact I would be there to help gave me a headache. "I don't care anymore." I admit I was quick to try to forget about him, but I felt it was needed. I decided to go out and buy myself a new tux, I was going to the event.

Italy P.O.V

I left the house through the back door so Ludwig wouldn't hear me. I must have really messed things up. Once I got far enough on a nearby trail by Ludwig's house I broke down and cried. I held my cheek, the stinging hasn't left yet. He hit me really hard. I winced in pain when I touch my cheek. Tears burned my eyes as I asked "why" to no one in between sobs, as if I was expecting an answer. After getting myself together I stood up, brushed myself off, and walked to Spain's house. I didn't want fratello to see me like this, or hurt Ludwig. I knocked on his door and a cheery spaniard greeted me. "Ah! Mi amigo how are you?" He saw the tint of red on my cheek, "What happened to you?!" He yelled. I just smiled, "Nothing, what-a are you talking about." "Feliciano!" He scolded me and reached for my cheek. I whimpered in pain at the touch, "You do know what happened!" He pulled me inside and sat me down on the couch. "Who did this to you amigo?" His stern, older brother side was coming out. "I-a told you España!!" I nearly shouted. I tried moving the conversation. I thought I would be able to come here without questions, guess I was wrong. I stared at the ground, tears filling my eyes. "Come on amigo, you can tell me." He kneeled down next to me so he was slightly shorter, and put his hand on my knee. Tears fell out of my eyes, rolling down my cheeks and leaving to hit my lap from my chin. "G-Germany." I managed to choke out. "Que?" He asked confused, "Why?!" "I-a don't know!!!" I sobbed, trying to keep myself together. I felt Spain wrap his arms around me, I clenched the back of his shirt and wrinkled the fabric in between my fingers. He let me cry like this for quite a while, finally when I ran out of tears to cry he pulled away. I saw the large wet spot on his shoulder. "Sorry." I mumbled. "It's ok Feli." He ruffled my hair, "Let's figure this out alright?" I nodded. "I will call Roma." He started walking away, "No!!!" I interjected. He looked at me puzzled. "I-a don't want him to-a hurt Germany..." "Listen Feli," he started walking back. "Your brother loves you, which is why he gets angry for you. If you ask him I bet he will listen ok?" He smiled. I liked he could see the best in mi fratello. I weakly smiled back and nodded, "Sí."

Romano came bursting through Spain's front door. "ROMA!!!" Spain screamed. "MY DOOR!!" "Fuck off tomato bastard! Where-a is mi fratello?!" He stormed in scanning every inch. "You could have just knocked!" He weeped in front if his broken door. He saw me sitting on Spain's couch and sped walked over to me. "What's wrong??" He asked quite anxiously. I put my arm on his shoulder, asking him to calm down. "You-a didn't say anything?" I asked puzzled. "No, I thought you should tell him amigo. I just told him something happened to you." We refocused our eyes on each other until I closed my eyes, and kept them that way. The way they were before I met Ludwig. Romano looked at me questioningly, then I turned my head to show him the side of my face. He noticed the red patch on my cheek, then processed I was slapped. "Who did this to-a you?!" He snarled. "It better have not-a been potato bastard." "It-a was." Romano snapped his body to go after Germany but I wrapped my arms around him. "Please don't-a hurt him!!" "HUH?!" He retorted. "What do you-a mean?! He hurt you so now I-a need to go and whoop his damned ass!!!" "Lovino." I pressed my head on mi fratello's shoulder. "Please?" After a long pause he sighed and caved in. "Fine." He spat. I picked my head up and waited a moment to make sure his attention was mine, and it was. "Thank you, for-a being a great fratello." He was shocked, but a grin began to spread on his cheeks. "DO YOU-A SEE THAT TOMATO BASTARD?! IM A GREAT FRATELLO!!!" And after his victory moment, we decided to sit in the kitchen and talk.

"So, why-a did the fuck ass potato bastard hit-a you?" Romano asked, tearing into a tomato. "I-a don't know... I guess I-a took it too far." "How so amigo?" Spain interrogated me. "I-a came downstairs, and I was going to say Luddy but-a then he cut me off and replied saying "Don't." So-a then I went to put my hand on-a his shoulder... I-a think he meant to-a smack my hand away but accidentally hit my cheek." I was hoping. They both were thinking, until Romano spoke up. "Was there anything out of the-a ordinary with tomato bastard?" "He-a seemed really deep in thought..." "I-a hate to ask you this fratello, but have you done anything stupido recently?" Romano sighed. "I-a don't think so." I pondered. Spain whipped out his phone, "Ok amigos! It's time for the dream team!" "You don't mean..." Romano looked at him annoyed. "SÍ!!! I AM CALLING FRANCE AND PRUSSIA!" "WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU CALL-A THOSE BASTARDS?!" Romano yelled at him. "You see, we have to spy on Germany! Find something out of the ordinary!" Romano thought about it. "I don't like to admit it, but those guys do-a have the skills to successfully do something like this..." Romano shuttered. "Then it's decided!"

Spain called both of the countries, and they both showed up. France was the first to show up of course, and gave Spain and Romano a hard time until Prussia showed up with Canada in tow. "Canada!" France fretted him. "Who?" Spain asked. "Mein birdie!!!" Prussia whined. "Canada!!" My brother and I said in unison, hugging the quiet boy. I let go after I realized Prussia was staring holes in the back of my head. Romano hugged him extra long though and stuck his tongue out at Prussia, following with a smirk just for the hell of ticking the Prussian off. Which he accomplished, because once he pulled away Prussia grabbed Canada and pulled him closer, wrapping his arm around him. I saw France look at Prussia and was going to say something that could have led to a fight, until he looked over and saw the happy look Canada had. France loosened and smiled a little, but quickly fixed himself with a straight face and said to both countries, "You are going to explain this to me later, Gilbert. Matthieu." Canada squeaked realizing his papa was here, and you could just see the look on Prussia's face as he plead in his mind not to be killed. "Mi amigos! I have called you here on important business!" Spain smiled.

Sorry this is so short ><! I finally have something to write about though! I was going to write this as one chapter but realized it was going to be WAAAAYYYYY to long. So I'm splitting it up into 3 parts. ^.^! So enjoy as I try to finish the next two parts in a timely manner.

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