Chapter 22

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The last couple days you and Mark spent a lot of time with Jack and Wisshu, you four record a couple of videos together,you have a few double dates those two days, that day you went to the beach and had a long walk over the boulevard. After that you all head back to Mark place and watch some TV, at around 6 pm you all head out for a double date at a romantic and cute little restaurant. After your done Jack and Wisshu sleep at your place that night. Once arrived home Mark decided to edit and upload his video's that day, so you, Jack and Wisshu are sitting on the couch. You talk a bit, Wisshu asks if she could she the ring again do you hold out your hand, she holds your hand, looks at it and says "I hope I get a ring like that one day" you giggle and Jack immediately turns red like a tomato. Wisshu turns to Jack and sees his face, she smiles and kisses him on the cheek. At that moment mark walk in and sees jack with a tomato red face, and he asked "what happend", you walk up to him and whisper in his ear and say "I'll tell you later" he nods, you looked at him trying to hold a giggle, as you say "Mark, the guests want something to drink can you help me in the kitchen" and wink at him, he follows you to the kitchen where you explain what happened, Mark looks at you with eyes of disbelief and you nod, he smiles and and walk back to the living room with drinks.

Mark's p.o.v:
You walk towards the living room and see Jack walking towards, his face wasn't red anymore. He grabs your arm and pulls you with him, you almost drop the drinks so free yourself from Jack's grip and put the drinks down. You then follow Jack who gets his coat from he wardrobe, he then walks to the bathroom and you follow, he locks the door and you ask "why did you want to talk to me".

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