Chapter 1.

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This is my first book. Please don't hate. I try, okay?

I was running through a meadow clutching Kolby's hand. I had a huge smile on my face due to the fact I have had a huge crush on him for three years. Soon we reached a big red barn, his barn. Before we walked in Kolbly tuned to me and told me he loved me deeply, I told him the same. He hugged me tightly as though he was going to war. After he pulled away he took of his red baseball cap, flicked his chocolate-brown hair to one side and ajusted his cap. He looked up to the sky flashing his adorable dimples then looked down at me his dark brown eyes gleamed. He leaned in and told me once more he loved me in his deep, gruff voice. He came closer about to kiss me, I couldn't believe it! This was finally happening! And then am of a sudden, "Kaylen! Wake up darling!" It was my mom Jessica, waking me up right when I was about to kiss Kolby. "Shit." I thought. It was Monday morning, the day I would go to my new school, Elmwood High. I rolled out of bed as if I was lifeless. I stood up, the floor of my new room was freezing. My mom told me to get dressed, swishing her long, light blonde hair out of her face. She was already dressed and ready for the day. I chose a dark maroon sweater from a box on the floor. With that I chose dark blue skinny jeans. I threw on some pale green socks and was ready for the day. I went down stairs had some cereal in my favourite blue bowl. After I fineshed my cereal I slid to the washroom on my socks. When I opened the door I found my dad, Samantha brushing her short blue hair. "Good morning, Superstar!" She said to me as I squeezed my way through the door frame and passed her. (She had called me that since her and mom adopted me at age 7.) "Morning dad." I greeted her back. I slowly walked over to the second sink I started brushing my auburn hair and threw it into a messy bun. I brushed my teeth, put on concealer, powder stuff, and some blush. Now I was ready to decide what eyeshadow I would put on, I decided on some dark brown to compliment my deep green eyes. I put on a bit of mascara and I was done. Ready to go to school.

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