Chapter 7.

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5 rolled around quickly, and I had just fineshed dinner. After eating my delicious meal of steak, mashed potatoes, and peas, I ran upstairs to my room to grab my phone charger. With my charger I also grabbed my wallet, and my phone. I ran downstairs ready to go to Hazel's.

"Got some keys?" Yelled my dad.
"No, why?" I replied.
"I'm taking your mother on a date."
"Oh, I'll grab some. Are you guys gonna be home late?"
"Most likely,"
"Home by 10, in bed by 11:30, right?"
"You know it, Superstar."
"Goodbye, goodnight, love you."
"G-bye, G-night, love you, Superstar."
"Tell mom the same for me please, Dad."
"I will."

After that I walked out the door and walked onto the sidewalk. I texted Hazel. Heading to your house now. I kept walking and not much longer my phone buzzed in my pocket. K. See you soon. She texted back. I kept walking suprised that there weren't many people on the roads. Back in Toronto the sidewalks were always crowded, that goes for the roads too. Most of the time I couldn't even walk somewhere because "it wasn't safe" I didn't really think that, that would be a problem here. Considering how calm it was. I like the calmness here but I kinda miss the bustling, noisy streets of Toronto. Stop it Kaylen, you're thinking of missing Toronto again. If you keep doing that you're gonna cry again. My inner voice snapped at me. I looked around and reminded myself I will love it here. There were so many nice people here. I kept walking, picking up my pace a bit. Soon, I was there.

I knocked on the door my hand shaking, this house is huge..... bigger than mine. And I thought mine was huge! I thought. After no reply I knocked again, a little harder this time. "Coming!" I heard Jack shout. He opened up the door and welcomed me in.

Dads are supposed to be men.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin