Chapter 6.

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   Biology sucked. I had Mr. Smith; looked like a pothead, smelled of coffee and diet-Pepsi, was a total dickhead, and had that I-dont-care-about-you-lame-ass-children-who-should-skip-so-I-can-have-a-day-off. Well anyway, I bet I'm gonna completely A+ this class because I bet I already know more than this guy. After that was over- thank lord- I had P.E. Dammit. I hate running. Luckily I had a teacher that seemed like she would rather be teaching a kindergarten class. We really only played dodge ball the whole time. Thank God for Mrs. Graysfeild. After that I had more boring classes, 1 had all three of my new friends in it. Science, with the dreadful Mrs. Berezoski. Damn.
Soon the school day was over and I was tired as hell. Finally! "Kaylen!" Shouted someone from behind me. I turned around on the spot. "Hey, Kyle." I said, happy to see him.
"Um, I was, uh, wondering if I could get your number." He said sheepishly.
"Uh, yeah, of course." I said, giving him time to get his phone ready. "519-722-3874...."
"Thanks," he said, and smiled hugely.
"Okay, well bye Kyle." I said.
"Bye." He said.

On my way home I got a text from Hazel, I had given her my number during science.

Hazel: Hey, Kay. Wanna hang 2nite?
Me: Yeah, that'd be cool what time?
Hazel: 5?
Me: Yeah, that's great. Who's house?
Her: My house. 55 Lynbrook Ave.
Me: C u @ 5.
Her: Bye.

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