Chapter 5

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   I looked over to see who it was. I saw Kyle and suddenly felt relieved. I looked back down at my lap and started to cry again. Kyle put his arm around me and hugged me tightly. "It's okay," he whispered. "my dad's name is John and my mom's name is Mark. My first day here, I cried too." His voice was weak. I put my arm around his back and squeezed him tightly. There we sat, crying and hugging each other. I nestled my head into his chest crying harder, and harder. After a while, I felt him rest his lips on top of my head. I cuddled him closer. The heat from his skin was pouring onto mine and I felt safe. Soon the bell rang and he walked me to the cafeteria. When I got my lunch he sat next to me at my table. Not much longer, Hazel and Jack came to sit with us as well. We sat quietly and ate our lunches. Every once and a while someone would bring something up and we'd talk about that for a bit, maybe laugh, however I knew I was still blushing from what happened with Kyle in the hallway. After lunch Hazel and I walked to the biology classroom. "Who was that?" She asked. "Um, a boy I meant in homeroom, his name is Kyle." I said. "You were blushing a lot, you know." She quirked. "Yeah, it was just something that happened earlier." I replied. "And what would that be?" She asked. "Uh, well, something came up in class and I started to cry and I ran out of the.... uh.... room and he... um... came and comforted me....." I hesitated to say. "And now you have a bit of a crush on him and are afraid he doesn't like you back. Correct?"She said. "Um... yeah." I replied. With that we were at the biology classroom.

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