How We Met...

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(Picture of Chanyeol when they first met)

Baekhyun felt shy as four pairs of eyes gave him intrigued looks.
"So~?" Luhan asked with a smile.
"Ehrm...Yes?" Baekhyun stuttered.
"What he means is how did you and our happy virus meet?" Minseok said making Luhan grumble 'MEANIE!'.
"So~?" Tao and Kyungsoo asked simultaneously. Baekhyun was still nervous until he heard his mate's thoughts.
'Don't worry Baek! They don't bite!' This made the smaller much calmer knowing his giant was making sure he was fine.
"Well ~" Baekhyun started as he played with his fingers and slowly looked up.

Soleil university's library was very quiet since all other students had gone home. Baekhyun had been in the library for now almost six hours reading astronomy books. His astronomy professor had told the class to write a six paged essay about one of the most famous stars, the polaris. After his triple astronomy lessons he decided that since he had nothing else to do, why not start the essay early. Baekhyun finished highlighting the fourth Astronomy book when his IPhone's alarm went off, indicating that it was time for him to pack up.
'I better get going'
He quickly packed everything away but jumped when he realised that a boy with curly messy brown hair was sitting opposite him with his arms folded under his head on the table. The boy was dressed in all black.
'Hmm? Since when was he sitting infront of me? I better wake him up before he gets locked in'
As he was about to wake the other up, the boy sat up and starred at Baekhyun.
Baekhyun was startled.
'He is so tall and his face handsome'
His cheeks turned rosy as he broke the eye contact. He could still feel the piercing eyes looking at him. He felt a shiver run down his back. Remembering that if he didn't run he would miss the last bus home, he run out of the university library to the bus stop and smiled when he saw the bus pull up in front of him two minutes later. He quickly got on, walked until the back of the bus and sunk in his seat as he tried to catch his breath.
'Byun that was a close call you could have missed the bus'
He put his bag on his lap and started looking for his earphones and phone. He smiled as he he plugged his earphones into his iPhone and pressed play while leaning his head on the window with his eyes closed. The bus started driving and Baekhyun decided to take a nap since his bus stop was the last one and it took almost a hour to reach it. As he slowly drifted to sleep he didn't see the same tall guy he saw at the library sit next to him. The tall boy slowly moved Baekhyun's head gently onto his shoulder and sat back. Baekhyun was later woken up by somebody's gentle shaking. He slowly opened his eyes and yawned but gasped when he found the same tall boy from the library sitting next to him. 'Omo way to go Byun you once again embarrassed yourself in front of a stranger'
"I-i am so sorry!" He stuttered after jolting up straight but the other just continued looking ahead. 'Aigoo~ How embarrassing'
"Last stop Gangnam" Baekhyun jumped up and was about to ask the other to stand so he could get out but he found that the other had already gotten up and was now exiting the bus. 'Aish here I am daydreaming again but since when does he take this bus? I have never seen him' Baekhyun got out of the bus and shuddered at the cold before slowly following the taller who was walking the same way he had to walk to get home. 'At least I don't have to walk alone.' He mentally thanked the other because he was never keen on walking in the dark alone even though he lived in the most secured area. He usually felt nervous walking home but tonight he strangely felt calm and safe. 'Is it because of him?'

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