The Exo Wolf Clan

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Both boys went down the imperial staircase and stood infront of the door that led to the dinning room. You could hear laughter, teasing, shouting, whisper, clinking of tableware and shufling. Suddenly everything went silent. Baekhyun hid behind Chanyeol's tall body as his ears picked up 8 chairs sliding hastly and loud shuffling that got closer to the door. He held on tighter on Chanyeol's Tshirt and flinched when the door swang open with a loud bang and 8 pairs of curious eyes looked at Chanyeol.

"!" An owl eyed boy said but stopped half way as he sniffed the air with a smile. The tanned boy behind him did the same.

"I can smell..." A doe eyed boy started as he held hands with a boy who had a blank face.

"Sunshine?" A boy with high cheek bones asked while hugging the baozi cheeked boy.

"Silly you can't smell sunshine." A boy with baozi cheeks chuckled but also sniffed the air.

"Yeah it smells like..." The baozi cheeked boy started.

"SUNSHINE AND VANILLA!" The doe eyed boy finished.

"Hello to you too. Thank you for asking about my wellbeing. Yes i missed you too..." They all chuckled after Chanyeols one man conversation.

"So who is this sunshine-vanilla smelling boy?" The boy with high cheek bones asked.

" Guys it's very rude to let a hungry guest stand at the door." The boy with an angel face said while the ebony haired boy that sat next to him at the end of the table continued eating after giving Chanyeol a dimple smile. Everybody quickly went back to their seat and waited for Chanyeol and Baekhyun to sit down. Some plates were filled with bacon, eggs and toast with baked beans or just pancakes with honey syrup or other toppings. Chanyeol sat down next to Yi Fan and let Baekhyun sit on his lap. Baekhyun was to shy to make eye contact so he opted at looking at the plate in front of him that had eggs, bacon, toast and baked beans.

'Can I eat this?' He thought with a pout.

'Yes it's for you' Chanyeol thought back making Baekhyun smile before quietly starting to eat.

"It's so yummy!" He whispered but jumped when the owl eyed boy who sat two seats away from him smiled at him.

"Thank you! I didn't know what you liked so I just cooked everything." Baekhyun bowed his head with a blush making Chanyeol chuckle. When they finished eating and the dishes were in the dishwasher the ebony haired boy with dimples coughed making everybody silent.

"Since we have a new family member I would like for us to introduce ourselves. I am Zhang Yi Xing the royal alpha of EXO clan but I go by the name Lay. Don't be afraid to seek for my help anytime." Baekhyun bowed at Yi Xing. On Yi Xing's right side the blonde haired boy with an angel face spoke up.

"Welcome to your new family! My name is Kim Joonmyeon but Suho is fine. I am Lay's mate." Baekhyun bowed at Suho as well. Chanyeol who was sitting next to Suho smiled.

"Park Chanyeol. Second Alpha and Baeks mate." The others chuckled.

"N-nice t-to m-meet y-you! I-i a-am B-Byun B-Baekhyun and ... C-Chanyeol's m-mate..." The doe eyed boy, the baozi cheeked boy and the owl eyed boy swooned at his cuteness. The seat next to Chanyeol was empty since he had his lover on his lap but next to the empty seat was a tanned boy who smiled at Baekhyun.

"I am Kim Jongin but Kai is better. I am Suho hyung's cousin and Chen's brother and next to me is my mate." The said boy smiled at Baekhyun.

"Nice to meet you my name is Do Kyungsoo but most of them call me D.O. As Kai already told you I am his mate and I am also the cook of these fat pigs." KyungSoo smirked at everybody making Baekhyun chuckle. On the opposite side of the table the baozi cheeked boy smiled.

"I am the eldest. My name is Kim Minseok or Xiumin and I am this trolls mate. I love football and steamed buns." The boy with high cheek bones smirked at Xiumin.

"I am this mansion's prank master. Kim JongDae at your service but I prefer Chen." Everybody shook there heads with a sigh.

"My name is Lu Han and I love football and deers. My mate is Sehunnie." Next to Lu Han the boy smiled.

"I am the youngest Oh Sehun." The boy had a slight lisp.

"You already met yesterday but my name is Huang Zi Tao or just Tao. I am Kris ge's mate." The panda boy said. The last person to introduce themselves was sitting at Lay's left side next to Tao.

"I am Wu Yi Fan the first Alpha and this panda's mate. Sorry for scaring you yesterday night." Everybody chuckled and started telling each other stories. Lay stood up quietly and made his way out of the dinning room after kissing Suho's temple.

'Is something wrong with him?' Baekhyun thought.

'No he is always like that he is probably going to sleep or go into the library room and read.' Chanyeol answered as he nuzzeled the smaller ones vanilla scented hair.

'I remember you telling me about wolf scents which scents do they have?'

'Lay hyung's scent is white roses, Suho hyung's is blue orchids, Kai's is chocolate, Kyungsoo's is strawberry, Xiumin hyung's is mint, Chen hyung's is oranges, Lu Han hyung's is honey, Sehun's is caramel, Tao's is peaches and Kris hyung's is passion fruit.' Baekhyun chuckled mentally.

'That is so weird. Yours is Cinnamon and mine is Vanilla?'

'Yep. That's right.' Their telepathic conversation was interrupted when KyungSoo called the boys name.

"Hyung do think I can borrow Baekhyun hyung?"

"Sure" The taller said as Baekhyun slowly got off his lap.

"Let's go!" KyungSoo said as he took Baekhyun's hand and walked out of the dinning room to the kitchen.

"Wait for us!" Not a second later Lu han, Tao and Xiumin had left the room. The others chuckled as the made their way to the living room. Suho who was about to sit down smiled apolegetic before exiting the living room.

"Must have been Lay." Kris said and earned agreeing nods.

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