Chapter Nineteen

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Eriq and I talked most of that night, and spent most of the following sunday in bed. I had zero energy and didn't want to do anything but lay around feeling sorry for me. Eriq thought it was best to take the day to just process. He was currently making me breakfast at 6 in the morning, simply eggs and bacon sizzling away. We both hadn't slept in a day or so and to be honest it was my fear of going to bed. I knew I would see Whistle. I thought back on the melody that he used to hum. and found myself singing the lyrics Eriq had sung to me. Eriq had told me the song was an old funeral march that lyrics were written for - and I sang them out loud, the tears flowing through the whole thing.

I finished as Eriq came back and crawled into bed next to me. "Are you alright, Oaky?" He asked, very slowly moving closer. He was nervous, so I laid my head down in his lap and looked up at him, in the early morning light. He had a plate of breakfast with him, which I picked at meekly. I wasn't very hungry

"Eriq?" I simply replied. He stroked my hair from my face. "He used to hold me. He'd just sit there, next to me, in the dark.." I felt Eriq's body tense under mine as I began to talk, and his fist clenched into a ball. I continued anyway. "He would hug me, and tell me everything was going to be alright.. " I felt my eyes betray me and leak. "What did he want from me...? I hated those moments more than the rape or the torture.. I never knew from one second to the next if he would snap and hit me, or cut me or kill me.." I was cut off my Eriq shaking uncontrollably with anger.

"I swear to god once they catch that bastard I'll skin him alive.." Eriq said, and his voice was dark. I had never gotten used to the temper Eriq had. He was a patient person but when it came to me, he would lose his temper if he ever thought I was in any pain. Protective.

"Eriq?" I asked again. He looked at me, and his eyes softened upon meeting mine. He looked gorgeous as he smiled down at me. His eyes never focused on my scars, one of the only people I'd met so far who was able to smile at me and not pity my situation.

"Yes, Roanoke Fey?" He asked, and my last name felt strange to hear. This was the first he'd really used it.

I sat up, and moved closer to him. His presence calmed me and everything just seemed better with him near me. I looked at him for a long while, going over all the things I had gone through with this man. countless nights of movies and popcorn, countless nights of crying and screaming. "I love you.." I said, for the first time. And it was true, I did love him. How could I not? He saved me, cared for me, and above all, he was friendly to me. The first person to ever hold me after I had escaped and I didn't want to let that go. How could I not love him after everything he had gone through. Even if it was only a few months, I smiled at him anyway. He watched my eyes before smiling too, and hugging me to his broad chest. It felt alright, to say it now - because you can't love someone unless you love you - and before yesterday I didn't even know me.

"I love you too.." He said, leaning closer to me and kissing my lips. I had found more of myself, even after only knowing a day or so, and because of that I was able to truly put myself towards Eriq. I kissed him carefully, and it felt different Because I kissed him how I'd have kissed someone before I got kidnapped. I kissed him with my old personality and who I used to be. Someone he was still learning about.

That sunday was spent with only my Eriq. We did our usual things, both of us agreeing school tomorrow must be skipped - in order to spend more time together. The principal knew we lived together, and like everyone probably had already heard from Bria - the principal probably already knew about the situation at hand. He would understand our need to order our affairs before I left. We decided Tuesday I'd go in to say goodbye to everyone.

I didn't want to say goodbye to my special academy and my friends, but there was a home I belonged in, and I had friends back there who were waking up to the news of my return. I didn't find much comfort in going home.

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