Chapter Nine

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The school was nothing like I’d ever seen before. It was so big, with big buildings, and big people. I felt uneasy as I watched Nox, as he easily slipped through the crowd of people waiting outside the doors, and in the hallways.

His hand never left mine.


The eyes on me felt like hundres of little needle stinging at my body. Everyone was looking. People whispered, other laughed. I wanted to know what they said but part of me knew I wouldn’t like it.

His hand grew tighter. It dawned on me, as I looked up at Nox’s kind face, that the reason I stuck out was my lack of formal uniform.

I frowned. “Nox I- I don’t like it here. I don’t fit in and I don’t even have a uniform.” I said. Un cerain, my fingers ran across the scar on my lips, as if to cover it.


“That’s where I’m taking you silly girl. You’ll be okay if you stay with me. I’ll show you the classrooms.” He gently pulled the paper I clutched in  my pocket. My Schedule. Nox smiled at the agenda. “We have our seminar class together, but nothing else.  Don’t worry though” he muttered upon seeing my distressed look. I needed Nox with me. More than that, I needed Eriq.


I wondered for a second if he was thinking about me. If he thoght I was thinking about him. I tried to smile about it, but Nox pulled me into a big room, without any students.

He spoke to a lady for a bit, and finally she nodded, smiling at me. Maybe she knew about my cituation? She handed me a bag, inside it was full of ironed, folded clothes.


Eriq’s figure caught my eye, as it walked in through the same door Nox and I were blocking. I smiled at him. My heart hurt though, when he didn’t smile back. When he left through another door.

I hated this feeling.

Nox was nice and introduced me to a few of his friends, but they were all iffy about me, I could tell. The girl gave Nox these funny looks, like they thoght he was handsome. And he was.

I couldn’t wat to see Eriq’s face though. Thinking about Eriq, I walked into the classroom Nox pointed me to. He told me he’d be waiting outside for me when the bell rang, so he could walk me to the next one.

The teacher smiled at me, but in his eyes was something weird. English was going to become a hassle, I could tell. Everyone stared. All hour.

Mr. Farrison made me stand up and tell the class about me. I was scared because I didn’t know anything about me to begin with.


“I-I’m Roanoke and I’m new from.. far away.” I muttered. The students all listened with interest. A girl with long curly blonde hair smiled at me. She was the only one who made eye contact with me. I smiled back at her.


feeling brave, I ventured over to the girl, I took a seat with her. “Hello..” I said, quietly. She gave me a strange look before grinning.


“Hi!” She said, her grey eyes wide and smile bright. “I’m Bria-letta” She muttered. I couldn’t help but smile at her strange name.

“I’m Oak.” I told her, and gave her a cheesy grand smile.


We didn’t say anything else all of class, and luckily it was easy to pay attention to the lesson on Moby Dick. It was something I remember reading.

After class, I could find Nox easily through the crowd of people talking about me. He seemed a bit upset, but I didn’t ask. He pointed me to Eriq’s classroom, andbefore we walked in I noticed the girl I had met ealier. I pointed her out to nox.

“See look over there, thats the girl I met earlier, she talked to me.” I looked up hopeful at Nox. He nodded, but didn’t speak.


I walked into eriqs classroom, andhis eyes met mine with a spark. I felt that same feeling, of hurt, but also the feeling I get when I looked at him. Happiness. Nox waved me goodbye, As Eriq replaced him.


“Oak,, you made it through first hour. And You got your uniform too.” He seemed so proud of me, and I could tell he was excited. His big eyes shined and his lips tinted my face pink.


lancing over, I saw Bria-letta watching us. I turned to Eriq. “I’ll sit down now sir.” I said, trying not to giggle. He hid a chuckle too.


Bria-letta was so nice to me when we sat and talked. She watched me cautiously, and asked me questions. But she was always smiling at me. I was glad I made a new friend.


She glanced at Eriq in the way some of the other girls did. In a way I don’t think I ever looked at him. They all puffed out their chests and batted their eyes. Eriq glanced to me, but I think he realised I was confused.

Eriq always told me I was way to innocent  for my own good. He said I lead a sheltered life. A life that is hidden from difficulty or pain. He wanted that for me.

Eriq tried to hide his smile as he began the class.

**Update just cause someone wanted me to and it made me smile c: Anyway here's this, sorry its short and not very interesting just had to introduce a new character. The girl on the side is Bria-letta. (as you can tell im into unique names and spellings) Anyway enjoy and vote comment blahhhh <3*

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