Chapter Ten

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After I had gotten home from school, I was so tired that Eriq tucked me into a movie on the couch with him. He had asked me all sorts of questions, ones about how I was feeling, and also comments about how my bruises were gone, and everything. He asked about Nox, and my classes and all the friends I had made. I thought school was going to be scary, or that i was going to be looked at with Judge Judy eyes, but everybody was so sympethetic and nice.


Bria-letta, who introduced me to a big and very diverse group of people, made me feel like I fit in. but I couldn’t help but notice the way her and all the other girls look at me. Like I'm so thin and frail. Which I am.


“did you hear me?” I heard, from my daydreams of school. I glanced over to Eriq, who was eating popcorn fast from the bowl. “I asked if you were alright, Oaky. You seem out of it.” He muttered, before laying a gentle hand on my forehead. I refrained from jerking away; and as I did an image popped into my head. I saw a picture, like a flashback scene in a movie, and it was coils of chain, the taste of rust tied around my tongue. I gasped. Very fast paced, life was becoming as the popcorn bucket ended up spilling to the floor, and eriq tore his hand away. But as he scrambled to gather himself in the presence of my sudden reaction, I grabbed at his large and warm hands quickly retreating from my face. Leaving a fleeting feeling of spark and summer wine.


“I’m fine.” I said, when things calmed down. His eyes were wide, and blinked at me innocently. The colours within them drew me to bring his hand close and set it on my heart. I didn’t think to much on the action, just wanting to calm him down.

I glanced up at him, the movie now endlessly running by with no one showing it on. Eriq’s face had a twisted look I couldn’t place. His eyes an emotion I wasn’t too sure of. I shrugged it off, as the movie became more interesting with my glowing blush.


Eriq had this overbearing need to protect me, throughout the day. I don’t think he knows, but every once in a while I’ll see him in the corner of my eye. In the hallway, on break hours, in the lunchroom. He’s there, smiling. I know it’s because he’s never had a child before and this is new and exciting for him.. but I wanted it to be because he missed seeing me. I sighed, which cause Eriq to sit up and adjust the blankets for me. He was keeping me warm, all while trying to stuff food in my face and fatten me up. It made my head and my heart hurt. Sometimes, late at night while I sneak from my own room back into the big bed in his, to surround myself in his scent: sometimes I'll feel this deep ache in my chest. The feel of a heavy truth bearing in on me. I might be nothing to the man sleeping next to me. I know that i'm not, but sometimes it dawns on me I showed up at his doorstep and take take take from him. It was hard not to get a little discouraged by that.


It wasn’t long before school was beginning to feel like a normal thing. Everyday Nox would pull me aside, as he saw me walking with Bria-letta. He’d tell me the same thing, harshly. “Don’t tell her who you live with.” I wasn’t sure why, but I headed his advice nonetheless.


As I skipped off to second hour maths, my heart racing to see Eriq again, the girls did their usual staring and the boys talked quietly as they watched me walk by. Everyone seemed to have secrets and I avoided becoming involved with them. Nox was waiting at the door for me, his face grim. “Something wrong?” I asked, as I approached Eriq (er, Mr. Romanov’s) classroom.


“Nothing at all, silly girl. Just wait a few seconds to go into the room?” He asked, his voice uneasy and uncertain. I lifted an eyebrow before cautiously walking in anyways. I always took Nox’s advice, so It was nice to break away from him for once.

As I entered, the room was filled with students settling in before the bell, tired in the morning hours but excited for friday to finish. I whistled the tune that seened so familiar, as I entered. Bria was sitting on the teachers desk, her eyes were dark and her lips were shiny with gloss.


I watched her, in her skirt and polo uniform, talking to Eriq. As I looked around, I noticed most of the girls had that look in their eyes. A look I couldn't mimic. All of them with their eyes on Eriq.


My Eriq.

Well not mine but.. he felt like mine now more than ever as my stomach churned. I could still see Nox with his head down outside the door. He nodded at me, so I sat down, trying to find comfort in his gesture but feeling instead a mix of emotions I couldn't understand. Instead I continued to hum the tune, which caught Eriq’s attention, immediately.

**Hey guys. So I've been getting a lot of messages asking why I portray Oak as a very innocent, and sorta sheltered person. I give her this extremely childish personality to contrast details later coming. This girl has experienced true tragedy and lost all sense and knowledge of herself. Her old personality is going to come through as it progresses (shes still innocent and cute no worries) but for now she is very young seeming because her situation constitutes relapse into safer times.**

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