Chapter Five

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I wasn’t sure exactly what to do with my days. Eriq was at school, and I was here.

At his house, just confused.

I’d spent the morning watching netflix, then dancing around his house, and I  tried to sing but my throat hurt still. I wanted to go outside. Nature was there and it was calling me. I ignored the feeling in my stomach that told me not to go out there, and I did anyway.

It wasn’t humid, but it wasn’t warm either. I bundled my new coat around my body. The outfits that he had bought me were so beautiful, i wanted to show it off. But there wasn’t another person around, and i didn't go to school so i didn't see how I could. 

The woods cast a sort of eery shadow over the street. It blocked out the sunlight, which made it colder. I rubbed at my arms, and began to hum to a tune I made up. As I strolled down the street, approaching the next house on the block, I frowned. I couldn’t shake that feeling. It was dread, with a pinch of sadness, and a little bit of “Someone is watching me, I know it.”

There was always something hanging over my head that made me worry.


As I found the next house, there was a young man in the front yard. He had Light dusty brown hair, and friendly blue eyes. As I passed by, he waved at me. I couldn’t help but feel grateful that he didn’t stare the the scars on my face. I was nearly past his house when I heard the jogging footsteps behind me. I stiffened. I was afraid of who would be behind me if I turned, but when I did, the boy was standing there.

He began to speak and i didn’t realise he was holding his hand out for me.

“I’m Nox.” He said, smiling a wide grin. It was pretty, but I couldn’t help comparing it to Eriq’s. Compared to Eriq, this boys smile was a dying ashey coal, not a bright candle.

I reached out and took his hand, but I drew it back quickly. He seemed confused. “I don’t recognise you, you must be new.” I watched him with cautious eyes. He was a curious person. I didn’t expect him to approach me. But nonetheless, I put on a smile for him.


“I uh.. I guess I am, sort a.” I wasn’t sure what to say. I didn’t know if Eriq would be upset with me for telling the whole neighbourhood all about the girl who turned up on his doorstep. I decided to stay guarded instead.

“You have some wild bright hair. I like it.” Touching my hair, I toyed with a lock between my fingers.

“Do you think so?” My smile grew a little bit, and I let the protective walls around me fall. “You said your name was Nox? That’s a pretty interesting name. I like it.” I said, mimicking his words. He gave off a snort, and turned on his heels. I wasn’t sure what he was doing, but as he walked away he gestured for me to follow. I did.

As blindly as I followed Eriq, I followed Nox too. I wasn’t sure exactly who I was trusting here, but Nox didn’t seem like much of a threat. In fact he didn’t look that much older than me. I asked him.

“How old are you?” and he turned his head to look at me. He was a few strides ahead so he called back

“Seventeen. You?” I answered immediately.

“Sixteen.” As I finished the sentence, it occured to me that there was no doubt. That was how old I was. I was jittery now, bubbling with excitement. I gasped, which caught his attention “I’m sixteen!” I murmured. I could see the confusion, but he didn’t ask any questions. “I know that, I remember it now. I’m sixteen and my birthday is in December.” I said.

He turned around completely, but I kept walking. He held out a hand which my chest bumped into before I finally realised he had stopped.

“You’re a strange girl. What, do you have like.. memory problems?” He asked. I thought of what to tell him, and setlled on dancing around the subject.

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