Chapter 52

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Harry's POV

Blowing out a sigh, I dragged myself over to the glass doors. Talia's mother and father were begging to be let inside, but the hospital staff were being firm on the regulations. No admittance until the patient has been treated and present for fifteen hours, I learned that when I was here a couple months back to witness my fathers kidney failure.

I noticed Kenneth tense up and the bony looking woman besides him scowl a little when I came into sight. Why was he accompayning her? Hadn't he figured out what type of fucked up shit she had done behind his back? Afterall the kid she would be carrying for the next few months wasn't his. Last night when Victoria and I were going at eachothers throats, I had almost spilled the beans but I stopped myself immediately.

"I need to see my daughter." Talia's mother had a piece of tissue placed between her nose and mouth as it muffled her cries and tears. "I can't lose her again." Her eyes full of tears, thin fingers quievering as she peered up at me.

"I hope to god you had nothing to do with this.." She growled, voice drowning with tears.

"Let her into the waiting room." Kenneth told the staff, his tone gruff and bold. A frail woman by the desk walked over, she didn't appear willing but complied anyways. "Ten minutes and that is all for today, she is still recovering." Opening the door for talias mother whilst a straight composure remained on face, clearly unhappy with this.

Anxiety swelled in Kenneth's hard features. He moped back and forth by talias door and the water fountain. I watched him keenly and he stopped, staring at me hard. "Get the hell out of here." He said sharply. "I told you to stay away from my daughter, look at what mayhem you are causing my family!" He waved his hand around and stepped towards me, I didn't protest. "Talia doesn't need you, you're scum on the bottom of her shoe! Just like your father you are.." He clenched and unclenched his fists as they were held at his sides. His face was a deep red now. Without a word I returned to the waiting room in the emergency department where Liam as fidgeting in his seat. Watching him in this nervous state only reminded me of the severity of the situation, and my heart began pounding again.

I sat down a couple seats over from liam and stared at my shoes. We both had questions for eachother but we remained silent. What the fuck happened to talia.. she was fine a few days ago, her normal self.. was it because of me? Was it stress? I sighed. I stood up and paced back and forth, my trembling hands dropping to my sides, then into my pockets, unsure of what to do with them; I raked them through my long hair and tugged slightly. This was maddening and my patience was wearing thin, my anxiety taking a toll on me. Liam had stayed silent the entire time, how could he maintain a calm nature in a time like this. Maybe because I felt somewhat guilty for the cause. I had compulsions to burst into lias door almost every minute but it took every sane bone in my body to refrain from it.

I stood up and raced down the long corridor to lia's room again. I heard footsteps chasing behind me and I was almost sure they were liams, i couldn't tell. When we reached the door a man approached us in a long white coat, appearing to be a doctor, he lifted the mask off of his face. "I'm her father.. is she okay? Is she awake now?" His questions were frantic, and panicked. His hands were in tight fists as if he was trying to refrain from choking the answers out of him. He gave Kenneth a sympathetic look and slowly shook his head. I felt the blood drain from my face and my heart sink to my feet.

"What the fuck does that mean?" I found myself in the doctors face, struggling to collect myself after comprehending what that may mean. Her mother sobbed, kneeling to the floor as she exited the hospital room. Liam and I were both panicking when we got no answers out of anyone. What the hell was happening.

"With proper care and the prescribed medicine she will be fine. But there was no way we could've saved the pregnancy. We tried hard, very hard but the miscarriage was already taken place...I'm terrible sorry." The doctor said sympathetically, tugging the tips of his white gloves to take them off. Pregnancy? Miscarriage? None of this was adding up. Talia was a virgin, I knew that for a fact, she was pure.. there was no way, there had to be some sort of mistake or error, talia couldn't be pregnant."If the father is here and wants to see ms.tanner, that would probably be best for now.." Genuine sympathy lacing his voice as he strolled away.

"I knew it, I knew you had something to do with this..You always mess things up! Stay away from her!" Talia's mother yelled and stomped towards me, raising her left hand to smack me across the face forcefully. I winced in pain and held my cheek as a nurse ran over and pulled her away. "You need to get out of here.. now, or I will call the police and have them escort you out." Kenneth threatened and Liam shot me a weary look. I didn't do this to her. I knew talia wasn't ready, and even though she let her guard down for me, I couldn't take advantage of how naive she was, someone else did and that angered me more then anything ever could.

I pushed past liam and entered talias hospital room, repelling Kenneths threats. I couldn't just leave now, talia was in desperate need and I couldn't get home without thinking of what she must be feeling like.I moved closer to the bed, and brushed the soft hairs away from talias face then ran my thumb across her chapped lips. She was sleeping peacefully and silently, she was so still it scared me and I checked the heart monitor- the beeps of the machine soothed me slightly.

I bent down and pressed my lips on her temple as I smoothed back some of her hair behind her ear. I watched her chest move up and down slowly, she was so breathtaking it made my heart ache. I couldn't wrap my mind around the entirety that she was carrying someone elses child besides my own and that someone had took away from talia what I cherished and wanted of her. It may sound selfish but that was supposed to be something Talia and I shared together, to make love for her first time, so that it would hold meaning and importance to the both of us- but it was taken away.

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