Chapter 64

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"How did last night go?" Harry asks me as he stops at a red light. I look over slowly to meet his eyes as I try to recollect my spiraling thoughts. I didn't want to think about last night, i wish i could forget it ever happened. All I could think of when I saw him was that he was gonna make me feel better, so much better and I needed that.

"My mom told them she is pregnant..she is so selfish I don't understand how she could be okay with this herself." My forehead is creased into a fine line and I turn away to stare out the window, watching the trees pass by. I feel warmth on my leg and I look over to see Harry's hand.

"Yeah, but I can understand her too. She was obviously pregnant before you were taken...maybe she was gonna try and mend things with you before everything.."

"I can't just assume that's what she was gonna do, I know my mother better then you and I know how she is..that was not her intensions." Why did it sound like Harry was trying to defend her? Everyone made me feel like I was the bad guy for feeling the way I do about this.

"He hesitates. You're  right.." Harry let's the conversation slip as he stares at the road. I've been back for almost two weeks now and I've driven my car once. It seems useless now that I have Harry who I am always with. I really have no use for my car and It most likely will rust before I drive it again.

"What about your mom? You can't keep lux from her forever..That is her daughter Harry, and keeping this from her could ruin a lot."

"What do I have to lose?" His voice Is hard.

"The relationship you  with your mother. This is a big deal Harry, I hate to see you be so selfish in a situation like this."  I wasn't trying to bash him or call him out I just wanted him to do the right thing for everybody.

"Fuck no. I won't take her back to that place, not with fucking robin living there.. If he ever came near lux again I would murder him with my own two hands." Harry threatens. Veins protruding through his forehead and neck as he gritted his teeth together.

"I understand. And maybe she would let you keep custody of lux, but Harry this isn't something you keep from somebody. Not her mother at least." I am trying so hard to convince him but it seems he is standing his ground. I can't force him to do what is right.

"I know, I just got her back I can't let anything happen to her again.." his voice is breaking it sounds like and I don't want to push him onto the subject any longer.

"Okay.." I am defeated. There is nothing I can do about the choices Harry makes.

After Harry refuses to tell me where he is taking me we arrive at a small vacant house that holds one floor from what I can see. It looks trashed and worn down. There are massive trees surrounding the little house and grass probably almost my height.

"Where are we?" I ask Harry as he cuts the engine. He swings open his car door and shuts it behind him. He waits for me to get out before walking towards the beaten up door. I stay close behind him as I warily watch my surroundings.

Harry kicks the door open whilst he twists the knob and the door pops open. I brace myself as I take a step inside after Harry.

There isn't much of anything at all. There is a mattress lying in the middle of the floor with a bed sheet strewn across the top of it. A yellow refrigerator and stove that I had assumed was white many years ago and a lamp that sat beside the mattress. It didn't brighten up the place much but considering it was morning it was useless right now anyways.

I didn't know what this place was.. Or why we were even here and suddenly I came to my senses when I spotted a pair of glow up sneakers that belonged to a little girl.

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