Chapter 85

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3 weeks later.

"Can you believe school is tomorrow?" Talia says pacing around the isles of target. We've been for almost two hours, browsing things we've already browsed and rebrowsing them.

I've only gotten one notebook and some pens. Talia on the other hand is prepared for the first day of elementary school. I tell her most of the shit in the cart is a waste of money but she swears she will use it for something.

"Yeah, I know.. Your dad will probably hold me back out of spite." I tell her and she hits my chest.

"He wouldn't do that.." We both know how malicious that man is.. I wouldn't put it past him.

When we are done school shopping we leave and are back home within 15 minutes.

Talia's POV

"What do you want to do today? We can watch some movies in bed." I shrug and watch Harry kick off his green tennis shoes.

"Well, I have a few things I have to do today.." I nod and press my lips together. "Okay." I say shortly and he attacks my lips with his. I sift my fingers through his long hair, tugging gently and he groans into my mouth.

"I'm sorry...I'd do anything to stay right here with you." He assures me with a sly half smile. I don't doubt him.

"It's okay." I tell him and he climbs off of me.

"You know how William gets.."

"Are you even trying to get out of that?" I question him. My voice sounds edgy and it comes out more rude than I intended.

"Uh..well, I told you before what he wanted and that's not happening." He reminds me and pushes his fingers through his untamed hair.

"Well something has to be done." I am done with william and his sick games. I am ready to call the police and have it finished for good.

"There is nothing.. Lia, theres nothing."

"There has to be!" I raise my voice and Harry looks shocked, with wide eyes. I don't care, I am sick of this.. innocent lives taken and children.. it's just not right.

"There's not.. I got myself into this now I have to deal with it."

"H-how did your dad get out of it?"

"I don't know..I asked and he never told me."


After I shower and order pizza, I eat half of it and put the rest out on the table for Harry if he decides he's hungry when he eventually comes home.

I stay up until 10, catching up on the walking dead and texting liam, before my eyes shut and I fall asleep.


When I wake up I am sweating. Harry's head is on my stomach and his arms are around me. His arms must be asleep from my body weight. His mouth is ajar slightly, and he is quietly snoring. I take a deep breath and I sift my fingers through his tangled hair. I kiss his lips and he surprises me by kissing back.

"Sorry did I wake you?"

"Yeah, but it's okay." His voice is thick from sleep.

"It's only six, so you can lay in bed if you want."

"Well, I thought we could stop somewhere and get breakfast before school starts."

"Okay." I nod and walk to the bathroom to get ready. Thank god since I got caught up with my classes and completed them I have a half day everyday now and I leave at 11 instead of 2:30.

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