Chapter 96

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   It's been a week already since Harry and I broke up. I've been staying with Liam or Morgan most of the week just to take my mind off of the reoccurring ache in my chest. I still wondered every night before i fell asleep what I could've possibly did wrong. Why did he just leave me like I was nothing. I pushed my battling thoughts to the back of my head and rinsed the suds out of my hair as quickly as possible, I had almost thirty minutes until Niall would be here to pick me up.

Harry's POV
I park my car across from the bar, contemplating if I really felt like getting shit faced drunk right now. It was hitting me hard today, a week later and now I feeling so fucking lost and it's making me insane. What has she done to me?

I take my keys from the ignition and climb out of my car. I have to, it's probably the only way I can stop thinking about her for a couple hours. I tried sleeping, but I haven't done much of that anyway.

The bar is dark and smells like grub and whiskey. I take a seat at the long counter leaving an empty chair between me and some guy who looks he doesn't own a razor and may fall out of his seat in any given moment.

"Harry!" The middle aged red head shrieks when she turns her attention away from the man. "what brings you by?" She greets me with a smile.

"Just need a drink." Or five.

"What can I get for you then?" She reaches under the counter to retrieve a small glass.

"Anything dark." Talias voice warning me not to do this is clear in the front of my brain. I can hear her all too well. I push away the haunting voice.

She nods and makes up my drink before sliding me a small glass filled with brown liquor and a little bit of ice. I wrap my fingers around my glass and bring the rim to my lips. it's cold and I welcome the familiar stinging of alcohol as I lean my head back and return the glass on the bar counter, asking for another.

"another?" Anna asks me.

With a nod I dismiss the prissy woman and wait for my drink. I use this time to check my phone for messages or calls from talia, but nothing is there. I'm relieved but aggravated why she hasn't attempted to reach out to me. Relieved because I know I'd be right back at her feet but aggravated because I miss her so much.

My thoughts are cloudy as I let another glass of alcohol slide down my throat.

By the time I've now had 5 glasses, I've realized it's only making the hole of her absence inside of me grow. I feel worse than I did before and the urge to call her is more efficient than when I first got here.

"You okay? want to talk about something?" Anna asks, leaning over the counter with her hands folded between us, causing her breast to almost spill out of her low cut t shirt.

I want to so badly tell her to stick to bar tending than counseling but I keep my mouth shut and I shake my head. I don't have the energy.

"You sure? I give good advice." She says in a pestering singsong tone.

"No. I fucking said no." I look away and run my fingers through my hair. The man beside me turns his head and shows more shock than she but I ignore his gawking stare. I'm familiar with the crazed looks I receive from my outbursts.

Talia's POV
The one and only reason I took my mother up on hanging out with niall, was because I needed to distract myself with someone other than harry. The constant crying and dwelling was too painful to bear any longer than what I have. I tried to convince myself that this was only temporary, that he would come back, but each day that passed it only became more real. I woke up today and realized Harry couldn't have ever possibly loved me, and if he did he wouldn't have left me on the floor, crying until i had nothing left in me. Thats the only reason I am doing this, and I made sure he understood completely this was us hanging out and nothing associated with a date.

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