Forgive or forget?

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I remember that day it seems like forever ago but it was only ten short years ago. The day my heart broke, the day I found out that my one true love cheated on me. It was silly for me to think that we could actually have a future together. After all we were only sixteen, but we were in love. Or so I thought.

Bay's POV


"I need to talk to you" signed Emmett.

"Can it wait?" I asked.

"I'm sorry, but no" signed Emmett. He grabbed my hand, took me to a bench and motioned for me to sit down. I did expecting him to follow. To my surprise he didn't. "I.......I.....I" Emmett stuttered.

"Something happened I can tell" I said as a single tear ran down my cheek. Emmett took a deep breath.

"I'm really sorry" Emmett signed shakily.

"For what?"

"I cheated." I looked at him worried.

"Excuse me?" I spoke aloud not even bothering to sign.

"With Simone at the basketball tournament. I'm so sorry Bay! I love you and only you I wouldn't trade you for anyone! I swear!" I got up and stormed off Emmett grabbed my arm. I turned around, I had to there was just something about his touch it was just so loving. But I retaliated out of hatred for not Emmett, but Simone.

"Don't follow me!" I screamed hoping that the noise would somehow penetrate through his deaf ears. It didn't, but, I saw him cry something I had never seen before.

Two months later

As I sat in the Galapagos I thought about Emmett. What it would be like if he was sitting here in the sun with me. I did something I would never usually do. I wrote Emmett a letter. It was only three simple words, but they were the only words that I could put on paper. Emmett loved me so he would understand what they meant.

Dear Emmett,

Forgive or forget?

All my love, Bay

That was all I needed to say. I bought a stamp, sealed it with my kiss, and put it in the bag of letters to home.

Three weeks later

I was woken by a knock on my door I had received a letter! Yay me! It was from Emmett.

Dear Bay,

Meet me at the park on July third. Please.

Love as always, Emmett

I cried. I love him so much but could we ever be the same? I hoped we could even though it didn't show I really did love him deep down inside. It was real love not the crap you see in movies. This used to be real and I hoped it still could be.

July third

I wanted to be mad at him I really did, but I just couldn't find it in me to be mad. I walked up to him about to yell but I didn't. I did what every other sixteen year old girl would do looking into those eyes. I kissed him. It didn't last long but he got my message forgive not forget. This meant that we would remember what happened and not forget but I would forgive him. After all we could all make mistakes we were humans. Then for only the second time in almost the year I've known him he spoke. It was only one word but it meant the world to me. "Forgive." As if in synch with each other we both held up the 'I love you' sign. And we truly did.

Three months later

"Bay Kennish I love you with all my heart every day I find something new to love about you, something that makes you, you. I love you and I will never in a million years break your fragile little heart again. Will you marry me?" Emmett signed all of the words except for the 'will you marry me part' that was just so precious. My eyes popped out of my head I loved him I really did but was I ready?

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