Forgive or forget?

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The next morning

I was awoken by a slight tap on my shoulder. It was Emmett. "Morning sunshine" he signed and smiled.

"Good morning my love" I signed and smiled back."So do I get to go home today?"

"Yeah at eleven. I think it's eight thirty now"

"Thank god I hate this place!"

"I know you do".

"I love you"

"I love you too" Emmett signed, then we shared a kiss.

After a whole day in the hospital I was cleared to go home. I know that I probably shouldn't be complaining but I just couldn't help it. I really wanted to see my family again. Especially Toby. I hate to admit it but, I miss him.

"Ok so your stuff is waiting outside with Mr.Bledsoe, ok Mrs.Kennish?" Asked the nurse

"Ok, thank you" I said.

"Anytime" said the nurse with a smile and then she was off.


"You look amazing" signed Emmett once I was changed and had walked out of the room.

"Well aren't you sweet?" I said as a question more than a statement.


"I'm home!" I yelled when I walked through the door.

"Bay it's so good to have you home again! We missed you so much! It's a good thing Emmett loves you so much to stay there with you the whole time." Kathryn said and signed at the same time smiling to me and Emmett.

"Yeah, I know, that hospital was like a madhouse. Emmett is lucky he can't hear." I said and signed back.

"Well I'm glad that you two have each other for support when time are tough." Kathryn said with a smile.

"Yeah, it's time like this that make me grateful that I fell in love with your amazing daughter." Signed Emmett smiling.

"That sweet Emmett" said Kathryn.

"We are going to visit Nikki and Toby at their new place." I signed.

"Ok, have fun you two." Kathryn said.

Toby and Nikki's place

I hopped off Emmett's motorcycle and walked up to to Toby and Nikki's house. It was small but very cute and home-like. This was my first time visiting. I rang the doorbell. Nikki answered. She gave me a hug.

"Thank god that your ok, Bay! We were all so worried." Nikki said and signed, she had started learning sign language for Emmett's sake. They still had the band which they all used as an outlet to get away from life. "Toby is at work right now but you guys are free to come in."

"If you're not too busy." I said.

"Of course not come on in! Hey Emmett!" Said Nikki enthusiastically. She gave Emmett a hug. "Bay is so lucky to have you as her fiancé." Nikki said with a smile.

"I think that I'm the lucky one. I don't deserve to have her after I broke her heart." Signed Emmett on the verge of tears.

"Toby told me that he was very worried about her while you guys weren't together. He said it was like she had lost a part of he that night. She was broken. But once you got back together he said that was all fixed she was different." Said Nikki sensing Emmett's pain. Emmett smiled entering the house.

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