Forgive or Forget?

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Emmett and I sat down next to each other in the chairs in front of Melody's desk. All three of us were smiling uncontrollably. It felt good to finally have Melody's approval of me. Even when we first started going out, and I didn't think we would be more than just a fling, for some reason I wanted her to like me. I guess it was probably because my heart knew that Emmett was the one, it just hadn't told my brain yet. We were all airing there in a comfortable silence, it was Melody who spoke first.

"So Emmett wanted me to tell you about this new program we have here at Carlton, it's called the 'Pilot Program' and we will be taking ten hearing kids who have deaf siblings or relatives and they will be taking sign language classes to help them become fluent and also take classes with the deaf kids, so they can become more aware of the culture. I know you guys really want to spend as much one as possible together, but you are already pretty much fluent in ASL and you know just about everything there is to know about deaf culture, so I'm not sure this is the right choice for you. I'll give you the papers, so you can look over your options together, I just want to make sure that you guys are making the right choice."

"Thank you, Melody we'll look this over when we get home" I signed with a smile before getting up to give her a hug, Emmett did the same.

"I just wanted to talk to Emmett about something, is that okay?" Melody asked.

"Yeah, sure. I'll be in the hallway." As I stood in the hallways I couldn't help but be worried. What if Melody didn't actually approve of me after all!
Finally! after what seemed to be hours Emmett came out of Melody's office, looking upset.

"What's wrong? Is everything okay?" I asked him, concerned.

"My mom thinks that we shouldn't be doing this. That we're too young and we're going to find someone else while we're away at college. And people shouldn't get married in high school and all this other crap that I just don't understand. I mean how could she say something like that to me?! I'm her only child! She should be happy that I've found the girls of my dreams that I want to be with for the rest of eternity!" Emmett signed fiercely.

"Wait. Your mom said that? About us finding someone else at college?" I asked thinking about the possibility that Kathryn and Melody had a conversation to end our wedding.

"Yeah! can you believe it?" Emmett signed, clearly still upset.

"Actually, before I came over here to meet up with you, Kathryn said basically the same thing to me! So, now, I'm wondering if Melody and Kathryn possibly planned something to end our marriage..." I hadn't told him about what Kathryn had said because if didn't really seen too important, but now, suddenly, it does. "But why should it matter what other people think, Emmett? We are the ones who are in love. Not them. No one else really knows how we feel."

Authors note- Im sorry it's shorter than usual but I've had major writers block lately

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2015 ⏰

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