Forgive or forget?

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I woke up and then I realized something. This was the last week before school started! Our city has this thing where we are allowed to take off one year of high school. That's what all of us did. Me, Emmett, Toby, Daphne, and Nikki.

I reached over and then I noticed that Emmett wasn't there. Oh god I thought to myself. I was just about to get up and go downstairs when he walked in holding a tray. He had made me breakfast in bed. He was so cute sometimes.

"Good morning, my love." He signed and then kissed my cheek.

"What is this?" I asked.

"After all of those amazing surprises you gave me I decided to do something special for you. Hence, this morning's breakfast in bed."

"I love you Prince Charming" I said grinning and motioning for him to sit down next to me. "What are we going to do about school?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well obviously I can't go to Carlton and neither one of us works so we have no money for you to go to Buckner Hall. So I was thinking that we could each enroll in the same public school this year. But then I was thinking some more and I didn't think that you would be comfortable with that."

"You are one hundred percent right, Bay. I'm not sure that I would be comfortable going to a public school. I think we should just go to our normal schools."

"Ok. But, I don't want to go to Buckner anymore and I found this nice public school. Plus, it only a few blocks away from Carlton!"

"I love that idea!" Emmett said placing a soft kiss on my lips before settling in for our little breakfast in bed.

"I love you."

"I love you too sweetie." We both smiled.


Later that day

After I was up and dressed I decided to visit my parents place. Emmett and I decided that we would both go and sign up for our classes he would be a senior and I would be a junior. I couldn't believe that he would be graduating. It felt like just yesterday I was a little fifteen year old girl falling in love with a sixteen year old cutie.

If somebody told me when I was twelve that I was going to find out that I was switched at birth and then fall in love with a deaf boy, I would have told them that they were crazy.

I thought it was the worst thing that could happen- being switched at birth. I was wrong I found my one true love during this course of events. Emmett Bledsoe- the best thing that ever happened to me.

Back at the Kennish Estate

"Mom!" I called out when I walked through the door.

"Sweetie? Is that you?" Kathryn called back.

"Yeah, mom it's me!" She ran in to the kitchen and gave me a big hug.

"Where's Emmett?"

"He went to Carlton to sign up for his classes today."

"Do you really think what you did was the right decision?"

"I think so I mean I love him so so so much and I hate being away from him especially after what happened."

"I know. I know. But I'm just saying you guys are young you have your whole lives in front of you. Why get married now and move in together? How do you expect to be able to go to college?"

"I'm going to go to college and Emmett is too."

"And if you guys don't get into the same college?"

"Emmett still has a year and I still have two years before I go to college. We'll make it work out trust me Emmett will support me no matter what I decide to do and I'll support him. I don't even think that we want to go to the same colleges."


"Exactly, what?"

"What if while you guys are away from each other one of you finds another someone? Then what'll happen?"

"That's not gonna happen you just have to trust us on this one. Okay?"

"Okay." Kathryn responded before I got Emmett's text.





"Is everything okay?" Kathryn asked.

"Yeah I just have to meet Emmett somewhere actually. Sorry."

"It's okay." She said with a smile. Then she hugged me. "I can't believe my baby's all grown up"

"Bye mom."



At Carlton

When I pulled into Carlton I immediately spotted Emmett showing of his motorcycle. I laughed to myself and though "I guess I did a pretty darn good job"

"Hey sweetie" Emmett signed giving me a peck on the lips.

"Hey what did you want to show me."

"Well it was actually more talk to you about."

"Okay. What is it?"

"Apparently Carlton is starting this new thing this year called the 'Pilot Program' it's for kids with deaf siblings or family members. And you and Daphne are pretty much sisters. So I thought that maybe you would be interested."

"That sounds perfect" I signed and then smiled.

"Okay come on. There's only like ten slots and you have to sign up by tomorrow my mom's the one doing registration today. She said to say that she's happy to have you as a part of the family. Now she can tell you in person." Emmett signed smiling. I remembered when we first started going out and she hated me. I'm happy that she sees our love for each other now.


"Hey!" Melody signed with a smile when we reached her office. "Two love birds" Me and Emmett just looked at each other and gave me his signature James Dean smirk. That's what we were. And I smiled to myself.

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