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*2 months later*
The girls and I are both really healthy. But Ezra and I's marriage is suffering. He moved out yesterday. I'm going to file for divorce. He doesn't know yet, nobody does. I'm about to go tell Spencer, mainly because she's studying law at UPenn. I get all three girls in the   Black SUV I bought and left. Man 3 kids alone was hard. I don't know how I'll do it if we get divorced. Ugh. I'm not even 19 yet, and I'm going to college, getting divorced, and raising 3 kids. I get to Spencer's new house and text her to come out. She comes out and is the first to speak.
"You brought my nieces!!!"
"Of course! Where else would I put them?"
"Um. Ezra??"
"Oh. Ya. We need to talk."
We walk in with Spencer carrying 2 car seats, Laura and Ava. I have Janna. We go in and sit down at her kitchen island and this time I am the first to speak.
"I'm divorcing Ezra."

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