Confessions come with tears

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I get up from the couch after a little while and go to my bed.
"Ali, can you watch the kids? I'm really tired. I won't be long, promise."
"Yeah! Take your time! We have about 10 hours left!!"
"Thank goodness!"
I go back to my bed and lay down. I'm not going to sleep, just watch TV and think. Ezra cheated on me. Throughout our engagement, marriage, my entire pregnancy. Why in the world would he throw our relationship away? He's such a jerk. A jerk who I loved. But I feel better without him. I do, the only reason I cry is because I'm so tired of being lied to. I thought he was the one I could trust. But apparently not. Gosh, I'm done. I'm just ready for Ezra to sign the papers so I can move on. I look at the clock and realize I've been thinking for an hour already. Wow. Just then everyone comes in and sits on my bed in a circle. I look at them and see Mike holding Laura, Ali holding Ava, and Hanna holding Janna.
"What is this about?" I ask
"We don't know. Just Mona." Hanna says, as everyone looks at Mona.
"Aria. Tell them." Mona says, trying to not be the bad guy.
I start to cry and lean into Mike, who is sitting right next to me.Everyone looks at me
with worried expressions on their faces.
"He...he... Cheated on me." I say throw tears
"What?" They all say.(except Mona, of course)
"Aria! He did? With who?" Emily asked.
"Jackie! That beast!" Hanna said.
"Han. It's not even neccesarily her fault. Ezra had been with her for 2 1/2 years."
"Wait. This was going on throughout the pregnancy?" Alison asked
"Um... Yeah."
"Aria. I'll punch him again if that's what you want." Mike said, referring to when Aria and Ezra told the Montgomerys about there relationship.
"I think I just want to be away. I want my kids and that's it. I really feel better without him. I'm just tired of lies."
"Toby and I are together. I lied to throw you off track. We are engaged and getting married in 3 months." Spencer says very quietly.
"WHAT?" All the girls scream.
"What are you sorry for?!? This is great!!!" Aria screams again.
"Thanks guys. Aria, I just new it was a touchy subject."
"Spence, I'm excited for you!!! Y'all have to understand, it doesn't make me feel bad! I like talking!"
Everyone looks at Aria, then Ava screams and everyone laughs at the hardest baby of them all.

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