Under The Same Roof

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We have 25 more hours of driving. Man am I regretting not flying. I haven't been sleeping, AGAIN. These girls cry ALL THE TIME. And everyone is trying to help, but no of them are parents yet. They are good to hold them, but as far as changing and feeding, they aren't any use.Its 4:00 PM and Janna starts to cry. She's supposed to be the easy one. I was sitting at an attached table talking to Ali.
"I gotta go get her."
"I will."
"No, it's fine. If I get tired, I can just drink my 4th cup of coffee today."
I go to get Janna and return to the table with her.
"Do what were we talking about?"
"The divorce and how you are going to raise 3 kids alone while still going to college, and how you are financially going to support yourself."
"Oh. Yeah. That."
"If you want, I can move in. Help you. I have a job and I'm not going to college."
"That would be great. Thanks. Maybe Mike and Mona can also move in? It would help them, too."
"I think that's a great idea."
Janna finally fell asleep and I went to put her back in her car seat. We made a stop at Cracker Barrel about 20 minutes later. We sit down, order our food, and I interrupt a conversation about I don't even know what.
"Mike and Mona?"
"Yes?" They both ask.
"Would you guys like to move into the house? Ali is going to."
"Sure! Thanks!" Mona said.
"Wait. What?" Spencer asked.
"I need more help. And the house is so big. And it would help all of us with money."
"Can I move in?" Emily asked, kind of joking.
"Yeah. Can I?" Hanna and Spencer say, laughing also.
"Sure! Let me see...there are 6 bedrooms. The girls can sleep with me and Mike and Mona will share a room once their married, so...."
"That's so amazing!" Hanna exclaimed.
"Yeah!" Emily said.
"Definatly!" Spencer commented.
So...I was going to be living with 9 other people in my house. This could be fun.

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