My Pretty Little Secret

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I wake up about 2 hours later to Janna crying. I walk out to the living area and everyone is there.
"Hey!" They all answer.
"How have they been?"
"Awful! I'm so ready for you to take them!" Hanna says, completely serious.
"Okay!" Aria says laughing, then grabbing Janna out of her arms.
"Hey!" Aria says to Janna, tickling her stomach.
"Aria, are you okay?" Spencer asked.
"Yeah. I'm fine, why?"
"You just went and slept for a couple hours, but your face looks all red and you have bigger circles under your eyes."
"I'm hungry. Are you hungry?"
"Aria. What's going on?"
"Calm down. I'm fine. Just really tired, that's all."
"Aria, tell them." Mona says, staring at Aria.
"Mona. Not now."
"Tell us what?" Emily asked.
"Nothing, okay. Calm down. Mona wanted me to tell you guys that Ezra agreed to give me full custody with no visits. Completely out of my life."
"Serves him right for what he did." Mona said, quickly covering her mouth, realizing she had said to much.
"Seriously. Aria what's going on?" Alison asked, just jumping in.
"Guys. Nothing. Quit bugging me or I'm going home. Ok?"
"Fine. But we are your best friends, we will always get it out of you." (Alison)
"I'm going outside."
I told Mike to stop the bus so I could get off and get a snack. He did as he was told and stopped. I got out and went into In and Out.
"Can I get a small fry please?"
The lady hands me the fries and I go outside and sit on a bench. Mike approaches me and sits down.
"Aria. What's going on?"
"Why does everyone keep asking me that?" I scream. "I AM FINE!"
"Aria. Mona knows something, I know she does, she just won't tell me. That's not good for us. Please, tell me."
"I will. Eventually. But now is not a good time."
"Okay. Bring your fries and get in the RV then, okay?"
I walk to the RV and go sit on the couch. I'm not ever telling them.

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