Chapter 4: Reminiscing

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Hi guys! Long time no see. So...sorry, for not updating for such a long time. I...just never found the time to update...I want to be able to update weekly from now on. I'm pretty sure that won't happen all the time, but I want to do my best. 

Now...shall we move on with a brand new chapter? :) Enjoy!


I dedicate this chapter to SailorOfTheNaLuShip.


With the night slowly bringing an end to this long day, people were starting to leave the guild and head back home. The guild hall was as empty as it was in the morning, with the exception of a few more people. Nevertheless, the one thing that hasn't changed is the celestial spirit mage sitting at the bar, lost in her thoughts.

Lucy stared at her strawberry milkshake, swirling the drink with its straw. She couldn't help but quietly sigh to herself as she played with the shake. 'It's weird how things turned out today. From Cana's fortune all the way to finding out that I had no fateful encounter.' Lucy silently laughed to herself. 'Now that I think about it, I freaked out for nothing. It's kind of silly to be thinking that I have one. Sad part is...I actually believed that my fateful encounter is real, and I still believe that he's out there somewhere.'

Taking a sip of her fourth strawberry milkshake of the day, Lucy tried to think of something else other than the events that has happened today. Unfortunately, it was to no avail. It was just stuck in her head. So, she started thinking about the good things that happened today. Her tour of Magnolia came up. Lucy didn't know why this memory resurfaced, but it was better than thinking about her so-called "fateful encounter." Now that the thought came up, the celestial spirit mage ended up thinking about her own time in Magnolia, specifically Fairy Tail. With that thought, a smile finally made its way to Lucy's lips.

While Lucy was busy reminiscing about the past, Natsu and Happy just came back from a long day of work. As they entered, both of them noticed Lucy sitting at the bar. Happy suddenly laughed.

"Nee nee Natsu, Lucy's making weird faces again," the blue exceed said as he covered his mouth to hide his laughter.

"Yeah." An idea popped up in Natsu's mind. At the same time, his evil smile made an appearance. "Are you up for a good scare?"

Happy's evil smile also surfaced when he heard Natsu's plan.  Nodding to the dragon slayer, both of the quietly approached Lucy.

Lucy wasn't aware that Natsu and Happy were nearby. She didn't even hear their comments about her. Just when she thought that peace was attainable, Lucy suddenly felt an arm wrapped around her shoulders. Then she heard someone whisper her name into her ear. Caught completely off guard, the celestial spirit mage screamed, grabbed the person's arm, tore it away from her, and immediately brought the person down.

She suddenly heard someone snickering. "That was the second time today Natsu."

When Lucy heard the familiar voice of a certain exceed, she opened her eyes and gasped. The first thing she saw was the fire dragon slayer sitting on the ground. He was also rubbing the back of his head. Lucy quickly kneeled down and helped him back up.
"Natsu, are you okay?"

"Yeah." He slowly got back up thanks to Lucy. Then he brushed off his clothing and stretched for a few seconds. As he was stretching, he said, "You know Lucy, there's a better way to greet someone than slamming them on the ground."

Fairy Tail: Fateful Encounter (NaLu Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora