Chapter 8: Let's Go

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I hope everyone enjoyed their Halloween, because there's one more treat I have for you guys. Another chapter of course. Again, this is no trick. The wait is finally over.

About my absences and the lame excuses that I have, just know that I'm sorry for making you guys wait for so long. If you have any comments or concerns, please tell me. I want to do the best that I can and I would appreciate the things you guys tell me, whether it's good or bad. I will accept all types of criticism. Just be ready for my responses though.

Now, only 3 more chapters until Fateful Encounter is finished. So, I hope you enjoy this third to last chapter!


I dedicate this chapter to eco222.


Was all of this just a dream? That was the one question that Lucy kept on asking herself after hearing about the pink-haired boy standing right in front of her. The boy that she bumped into earlier, was the same boy that happened to be a part of the guild of her dreams. Now, the said boy is protecting her from the man that almost killed her.

A thought suddenly came to her: she almost died. Her life would've been gone forever if it weren't for Natsu and his blue neko called Happy; at least, that's what Lucy heard when the two were calling each other. Nevertheless, she was truly grateful for what for what these to did, even though she was a complete stranger.

Lucy suddenly felt someone tugging on the hem of her blue skirt. Snapping out of her thoughts, the girl looked down and met the worried brown eyes of the blue neko.

"Are you alright?"

Lucy was slightly taken aback by the neko's question. She didn't know why though. There were bruises located all over her body, blotches of blood just added on to that. Her clothes were also wrecked and her hair was a bloody mess. Yet she was somewhat surprised when he asked the question. Nevertheless, she was still able to nod yes to his question though. However, when she did that, Happy's worried expression seems to intensify. Lucy confused about his reactions.

"What?" Lucy slowly asked as she tilted her head to the side in confusion.

"'s just that you were crying--"

Lucy stopped listening and immediately brought her hand up to her cheek. A gasp escaped her mouth when she felt her fingers touch the wet substance. She was actually crying, and it didn't even occur to the celestial spirit mage that this would happen. That didn't matter though because her tears just kept on falling.


Happy was interrupted when there was a huge explosion that echoed the hill. Puffs of smoke was blown in different directions, including Lucy and Happy's location. Due to the sudden blow of smoke, the two were forced to cover their eyes for protection.

"Natsu!" Happy cried out. Just as he was summoning his wings, Natsu immediately shouted, "Don't come near me!" His words made the exceed stop his actions right away.

The sound of a sword being unsheathed rang in the ears of the dragon slayer. He quickly jumped backwards and got ready for what's about to come next. Natsu had to squint his eyes a little bit due to all of the smoke blowing in his face.

As soon as the smoke disappeared, Natsu opened his eyes, only to meet the tip of Kai's blade aimed right at his face. Luckily, the dragon slayer was able to react to the attack in time. Crouching down to his knees, Natsu not only managed to dodge the attack in time, but he also put in an attack of his own. With a low sweep kick, Kai fell backwards, leaving him open for another attack. Igniting his right hand on fire, Natsu brought it back to strengthen his attack. Then he screamed, "Fire's Dragon's Iron Fist!" His first landed a direct hit to Kai's stomach, which made the dark gray-haired man slam to the ground. The impact of his body created a new smoke and a little crater on the spot.

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