Goodbye Daniel

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Dans POV

It's been 2 hours since the fight between Phil and I. I couldn't believe how heated things got. Never in my life have I heard Phil swear at me like that and never have we fought before. I must have really hurt him for him to swear at me, but he got mad at me over something so stupid that could have easily been avoided. Did he expect me not to get upset?

I sit there on the edge of my bed. I want Phil to come home so badly but he's taking forever. Maybe I should call or text him? Yeah, I have to see if he's okay. I grab out my phone and I go to text him but I hesitate. What if he's still angry about what I said? I know that he does get a lot of hate and that some of our viewers do tend to compare Phil and I alot and I just made things worse. Maybe he did have a reason to be mad at me? No. He's just being stupid and is overreacting. Ugh I'm getting mix feelings and I don't like it.

"He will come home. He can't leave forever." I say out loud to myself. I have a habit to Talk to myself. It's one of the reasons why Dans a Fail but when you are alone and you have no one but yourself to talk to, it doesn't hurt to speak out to yourself. "He'll be back. He has to come back." I try to convince myself even though I don't fully believe it. I really am worried that Phil might not return. What if I really hurt Phil that baldy that he never wants to see me again? No, there's no way. We've been through so much together. We can't end our friendship like this. Plus he's usually the one to forgive and forget first so I know he won't be out there for too much longer, I hope

Phil's POV

I've been walking around London for the past 2 hours. I can't even comprehend what Dan said to me. How could he just go on and say that he's better then me when what made me upset in the first place was his viewers telling me that Dans better. Maybe he's right. It's pretty clear who's better. Dan is really funny and smart and gorges and everything a girl would want. Some guys even want him, I know that I wanted him. He's my best friend and overall perfect. I'm just someone people look pass and don't even bother to notice.

I walk into a star bucks to let myself think. I go over and I sit down at a table. I pull out my phone to text Dan but I notice that I've gotten no texts from him. No texts, no phone calls, no voicemails, nothing. So I decide not to even bother. I put down my phone on the table and I put my elbows on the table and rests my head in my hands. I wanted to cry. I wanted to let everything out and just cry but I can't. Dan never gets this emotional when we fight so why should I? I wonder if he's even worrying about me. I doubt it. I sigh to myself. I have no idea what to do. I don't want to go home and forgive Dan for what he's said because I'm really hurt and it would make me seem like I'm weak. I don't even think Dans sorry for what he's said. I'm not going back until he apologizes for what he's said. I'm usually the one that ends up giving in but not this time, and if he never apologizes then I guess that's the end of us.

Dans POV

I don't even know what Phil's doing but I really wish he would come home even know I'm still kind of Mad for him getting upset at me over nothing. Well I know it wasn't for nothing but it isn't my fault. I can't control what people say and no matter what you do there will always be people there hating. It's kind of stupid and I don't see what's the point in hating on someone. If they haven't done anything to you then how can you just go along and hate them, especially if they are the sweetest person ever and don't deserve the hate what's so ever. I sigh to myself and go onto my laptop to distract myself. I grab it and head into the living room and sit down on the couch in my Browsing Position. I head on to Tumblr to see what everyone's been up to. Big mistake considering my Tumblr is full of One Direction, Supernatural, Kayne West, and Phil and I. I start scrolling as bunch of photos of Phil and I pop up from our most recent video me made together called "Three-Legged DDR Challenge". I smile as I knew our fans would be freaking out about the fact that Phil and I's legs are tied together. It's so weird how much our fans, or phans as they put themselves, ship us. Like never in my life would I think I would grow up to be one of the most reblogged person on Tumblr with a ship name with my Best Friend. I've always pushed the "Phan Stuff" away because it always weirded me out and made me feel awkward but now i don't mind. Sometimes I even embrace Phan myself just to get the viewers reactions.

Tour without me || Dan and Philजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें