Most fun we've ever had

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•Dans POV•

I take a deep breath. I fix my shirt and do the so called fringe check as I prepare to walk out and do the first meet and greet of the tour. I've been waiting for this moment for so many months and now that it's finally happening, my heart is beating so fast from the excitement and I'm surprised it hasn't pounded straight out of my chest. I smile as I can hear all of the people who have been waiting since the book was released chatting away to each other. It amazes me how many people are here and how many I'm about to meet. To be honest I don't like calling the people who watch me fans. Phans I don't mind since it's something they created and it works for Phil and I, but I much prefer to call them viewers or audience because calling them fans just doesn't feel right to me. To call them fans sounds like I'm above them or something when reality we all are equal. The only reason I'm above them is because I'm tall and usually everyone is way shorter, but literally I'm just someone who posts videos and they watch it and that doesn't make them any less important. To me it makes them more important to the fact that they take the time to watch something I post. It makes me really happy and I can't wait to get out there and meet everyone. It's crazy to think I'm about to walk out and meet hundreds of people who have watched me every day through a screen, and this is only 0.1% of the viewers I have. Actually, these are Phil's viewers as well. They are here because he is the Amazing part in The Amazing Book is not on fire and most of them watch his videos along with mine. It really saddens me that he isn't going to meet the people who admire him with me. I know that a small fraction of our viewers, or I guess mine, tend to focus roughly around me and kind of treat him as someone who is only my flat mate, but that doesn't mean there aren't people who absolutely adore Phil and would do anything to meet him. I know that's how I was 7 years ago, when I was just a fan of him, I still am actually. Although my channel is much bigger than his, I still look up to him because he was someone who inspired me to make my own channel and post my own videos. I looked up to him greatly and now, 7 years later, He is the closes friend I have ever had and he is someone who has been through my YouTube career every step of the way.  He was the one that encouraged me to start and continue making videos and any time I had doubts about myself, he was always there to make me feel better and didn't let me give up. He has helped me through a lot when I was struggling with college and through my existential crises and never once did he give up on me. Now I'm about to do something that we both created and spent months planning all alone because I made the mistake of saying I would be better off without him, which isn't true at all. He has every right and even more to be here but he's not and I have no idea what I'm going to tell when people ask about his absence. There's bound to be people wondering and questioning where he could be, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't wondering where he is too.

I close my eyes and take another deep breath before opening the doors. Right as I step out, a loud cheering sound aroused in the room and all bodies were turned to me. The noise level increases as I waved my hand up and smile at everyone as they all cheered and smiled back at me. I quickly make my way over to the large sheet where the meet and greet plus photos will be held. One of the managers call up the first person I'm going to meet. I smile as he makes her way over.

"Hello." I greet as I open my arms and emerged him into a hug. He gladly takes the embrace and we hug for a few seconds. He pulls back and looks next to me. "Would you like me to sign your book?" I ask. He nods his head, but still keeps his head to the side. I open it up and quickly sign my signature above the page with the top of my head. "There you go. Sorry that it's messy." I apologize for my crap writing.

"It's okay." He laughs. I finish and hand the book back to him.

"I have a quick question." He starts as he looks up at me. "I couldn't help but notice, where is Phil?" He asks. I sigh as I'm really not sure what to say.

Tour without me || Dan and PhilDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora