Day 8: The Face Of The Forsaker

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I had dreams of the figure, terrible dreams. Nightmares in which it was staring at me from the edge of a cliff and I was hanging of it, seconds to a terrible fall…

’Help!’ I asked it, but it simply drew its purple eyes closer to me. I asked it again only with more desperation and it drew itself away from me. My fingers were slipping one by one; this cliff was unnaturally smooth in bone white texture. It walked away from me and when I thought it was going to leave to faith, it suddenly appeared inches away from my slipping fingers. ‘Help… me…,’ I asked it once again. It grabbed my hands with its large black claws and carried me till my eyes were directly facing its purple ones. There I was scared, I couldn’t move. I was petrified in its monstrous grip. It pulled me closer till alI could see was its massive eyes. ‘The Ender Pearl… The Ender Pearl… GIVE ME THE ENDER PEARL!!!!’ It said before throwing me down the endless dark pit of my dream.

I woke without a shock or a shout, but with disbelief that it actually happened. The dream was more of a vision than anything and for some reason I no longer wanted to find the being. I didn’t want to make my dreams come true because they always lead to a biter end…

Just noticing my hands clenched, I opened them to find that I had the pearl in a firm grip throughout the whole dream. I knew it would only bring me misfortune, but I kept it anyway. The Ender Pearl might’ve been the only thing that would save me from a bad encounter with the creature. I placed it back in my inventory, and left. Certain that I had enough goods from the day before I didn’t have to restock; I simply removed my dirt barricade expecting nothing at all…

More dirt was displaced this time; it was now three blocks high with stone above it. Whatever was dong this hadn’t shown itself to me yet so I didn’t what to do with the mess. So I ignored it and went on to the dessert where I’d have to find a suitable area for a camp. The saplings I placed had grown at an instant without my notice, they were already trees without any slow progress, but rather the time it took to grow was exponential. Chopping the newly grown trees down for extra wood, a Creeper crept up behind me. I didn’t see it coming, all I heard was its hissing, but that didn’t mean it had already seen me… unfortunately it did, and without my notices I lost a great deal of health and was lying in a crater. Another Creeper was already about to go down to the crater preparing to damage even more, but with quick intuition I used my Stone axe to force it away from it. I was out of the crater but I still had the health and creeper problem ahead of me. First thing was first, the Creeper had to die. I equipped my sword and slashed numerous times till it gave way and died.

My health was going to recover over time, so I thought nothing of it yet and went on to the desert, disregarding my need for extra wood. Since torches didn’t make efficient markers, I replaced each torch with some wooden planks so that I could tell it apart from all the other blocks. Seeing my makeshift bridge and how dull a line of dirt looked over water, I renovated it; making it two wooden planks wide with a cobblestone margin so that it looked nice. Satisfied with my work, I ventured back into the lifeless dessert to finish what I had started.

Again, the heat was unbearable, the views were seemingly endless sand and light was almost blinding. I urged to go back, but if couldn’t commit to something then what’s the point of living? So I went on, seeing dead plants scattered randomly and plants that we’re as green as grass that damaged whatever they touched. I passed the lake where I found the Pearl and saw the tall black creature for the first time and saw something that I couldn’t believe…

At first I thought it was just my imagination playing with high hopes of faith. But when I touched the structure, the pyramid made of sandstone I knew it existed, and I knew I could make this my temporary camp. It wasn’t too far from a lake making this spot convenient enough to live in. Though it was almost half buried in sand, I could still enter it through one entrance on the right. Going inside, into the shade that I almost neglected in belief, felt like a blessing. I almost thought that it ten fold as cold as it really was. I set a bed, a double chest and one crafting table in its center. I admired the architecture, the art and majesty of this structure. What had built such a thing? It had something or… someone like me. But whoever or whatever they were, they had gone, leaving the pyramid behind for someone else to discover. I had a meal and ran to the lake to cool myself down even more.

Nightfall was coming, and I had no intentions of sleeping tonight. I ventured far and hard in this wasteland and my reward was even greater. With so much energy from my joy, I would not sleep… not till the next night. Tonight I plan to hunt and kill those who would kill me as well!I waited patiently, constructing an extra layer of clothing out leather to cover any vital portions of my body. I made leather armor! I made three swords and had enough food with me for the night. And I planned to return to feast on a large breakfast.

The creatures of the night were out; I walked some distance from pyramid the and shouted at the air, ‘KILL OR BE KILLED!!!’ I attracted quite a lot of attention. There were almost more Zombies than anything else but I was ready, to kill, to run or to succeed! The first wave of creatures ran at me with terrible velocity and I to them. I sliced the first Zombie on the torso, and then slashed off the arm of the next. They still didn’t stop and I didn’t want them to! Four Skeletons were raining down projectiles on me which missed their target and struck a Zombie to its death, and behind its falling corpse were the red eyed beasts, the Spiders were out and they wanted dinner. There were four and one of them tried to jump on me but I dropped to the ground and let my sword stab at it. Another Zombie tried to take advantage of my position, attempting to bite and claw on me, but I kicked it away which stopped another projectile from getting to me. I was going to die or come out victorious and the odds were against me. I was saved by an unlikely reason; a Creeper managed to find me fending of a spider and exploded behind me causing many of the monsters to die before I did. Now my health was low, but there were only the Skeletons and a spider left to kill. I went for the nearest Skeleton from me and sliced its foot off causing it to miss me and strike the Spider that was nearly ready for its attack. I let those two be, I let them kill each other because it saved me time. The two Skeletons were trying to keep their distance from me but unfortunately they couldn’t outrun me. Two of their projectiles struck me, one through my hand, and another I pulled off later in my chest. Pain was no worry, staying alive was, and I planned to do exactly that! I was unstoppable at that very moment, the Skeletons had no chance against me then, and all left of them after was the dust of their bones. The final Spider was already damaged and it barely put up on a fight.

I looked back at the remains of all those that I had killed, I was happy for some reason, like I’d fulfilled something dear to me. But my achievement was short lived when the tall black speaking creature came… ‘Give me… Give me… Give me the Ender Pearl,’ Again it spoke with the same tone, demanding the Ender Pearl. It didn’t vanish this time, this time it stayed for an answer, this time the Ender Pearl had to go. I walked to it without looking directly at it. I was scared to look at it… and trusted the corner of my eye for directions. I pulled the Pearl from my inventory and handed it to it. Its long hands and long claws presented itself below my hand and the Ender Pearl fell to it. ‘Thank you… Thank you...,’ it said but I still didn’t look directly at it. Two more of them appeared on its sides. Then it said something strangely reassuring to me, well not to me... but it was addressed to me, ‘It does not bear the face…’ the one in the middle said. The others continued, ‘The face… The face…’ And all together they said in an accursed voice, ‘The face of the Forsaker…!’

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