Chapter The First

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Seán P.O.V

I sighed as the video finished uploading and looked around. Something was off. I stood and walked over to the window and moved the curtain aside. I couldn't see out. I scrunched my eyebrows together, that was odd, it shouldn't be that late and, even if it was, I could always see outside my window no matter what hour it was. I reached to my back pocket to check the time on my phone, but it wasn't there. I shrugged, I thought I'd put it there, but maybe I'd left it on my desk. I turned around to walk back to my desk but it wasn't there, nothing was, nothing that should have been, anyways.

I was staring at a dark forest with very tall trees that had no branches until a distance above my head and a gravel path that faded into the distance. I gulped, this looked familiar, too familiar. I turned to walk back to my window but it was gone. I was surrounded by forest.

I turned back to where my desk should have been and started forward down the path. The gravel crunched under my feet and there was a strange light cast ahead of me that seemed to follow me about. I was super freaked out for about 2 second before I realized I was holding a battery powered torch. I took a deep breath and allowed myself to calm slightly before continuing on down the path.

After a few more meters a building came into view.

"Bad idea, Jack," I said to myself before turning off of the path and walking towards the house. I walked inside the brick building and began to look around,

"Please no," I said as I caught sight of a piece of paper hanging on a tree. I walked outside and grabbed the paper off of the tree. A slight pop sounded as the tape snapped off and the paper followed my hand down. I shone the torch on it and read,

"I'm behind you," I threw my head back and groaned in frustration,

"Fuckin make it stop! I didn't fuckin ask for this shite! Why is this a thing that is happening?!" I shouted to the sky. My eyes snapped open and I pulled my head down and looked around wildly,

"HOW is this a thing that is happening?! This isn't a game. My room dissolved into Slender forest, what is happening?" I looked around,

"Maybe it will end when I find all eight," I pondered out loud. A noise came out of the darkness as though the universe agreed with me, though, based on the noise, I'd better get a move on if I wanted to survive.

I walked around the house to the path and continued on, terrified. Would I die if Slender caught me? Would that simply be the end of me? I certainly didn't want to find out. I walked through a tunnel and when I came out the other side I decided I'd rather search along the wall first. I turned to walk that way and bumped right into something, actually, I noticed, someone. The person screamed and started to run. I recognized the scream and ran after him,

"Mark, please, it's just me, Jack!" I called after him. He stopped running for a moment and turned to look. I stopped just inches in front of him, almost falling forward into him because of all the momentum I'd built up.

"Jack, you're here too? What's going on?" Mark asked. I nodded and shrugged, respectively,

"I have no idea, I was really hoping you'd know, though I didn't expect there to be anyone else here," I admitted. Mark nodded.

"Neither did I, do you think anyone else is trapped here too?" he asked. I shrugged,

"I suppose anything's possible, but I think our first priority should be pages, maybe if we find them together we'll both win?" Mark nodded.

"That sounds like it's as good a plan as any, let's get moving, shall we?" he asked, offering his arm. I chuckled and nodded,

"Yeah, let's go," I said, taking him arm and falling in step next to him as we started walking. We walked in silence for a bit before Mark couldn't take it anymore and broke it,

"Jack?" I looked up at him.

"Yeah Mark?"

"Jack I don't know why we're here or how we got here or even exactly where here is, but, I do know that if I had to be stuck in a real life slender forest with any one person, I'd always choose you," I smiled up at him, blushing, and noticed that he was blushing too, which made me smile wider.

"Me too, Mark. You'd be my first choice any day," Mark's blush deepened and he looked down at me. I looked into his warm brown eyes, ones I knew I was all too capable of getting lost in. At some point we had abandoned walking, instead we just stood there, lost in each others eyes.

"Jack?" Mark said, breaking another drawn-out silence.

"Yeah Mark?" I asked.

"There's something I've been wanting to tell you for a while," he said.

"Anything Mark," He reached out and gently took hold of my hands,

"Jack, Jack I love you. I've always been so afraid to tell you because you're a great friend and I'm afraid to loose you because I don't want to creep you out because you've always been so straight and-" I chuckled at his rambling and cut him off with a soft peck on the lips. He stood there dumbfounded for a moment before blinking back into reality,

"Jack?" He asked. I smiled, I loved the way my "name" sounded when he said it.

"Yes?" I asked. He stood there dumb founded once more and I laughed slightly.

"Oh Mark, you big goof, honestly, I've had a crush on you since the first time I saw you, and it's only gotten worse," I admitted. He smiled brightly, blushing wildly before calming down and giving me the softest, most loving kiss I'd ever felt. When he pulled away I could still feel a shadow of his warm, soft lips on my own, even such a whisper of a kiss left me inside out, upside down and at peace all at the same time.

"Jack, we have to get going. We're still in peril," I snapped back into reality,

"oh shite, we've wasted so much time, we're lucky it didn't kill both of us while we were just standing here," I said. Mark nodded.

"let's go," he said. He let go of one of my hands but held tight to the other. We walked along and found another page. I heard something behind us,

"Mark, I think I hear something," I said,

"I heard it too, Jack," he confirmed. We walked forward but it got closer and my vision started to blur,

"Mark, I'm having trouble seeing," Mark nodded,

"I need you to run as fast as you can away from here, please," he said. I had a feeling he was looking at me pleadingly but my vision was getting worse and worse.

"But, Mark, what will you do?" I asked, worried.

"I will fight him. I should be able to damage him enough that he'll do you no harm but incase I don't you MUST run," he said

"But Mark I-"

'GO!" he shouted.

"I love you," I whispered.

"I love you too, that's why you have to run. please run, Jack," I nodded and turned to go, running as fast as I could. As soon as my vision cleared I turned to look back, hoping to see Mark kicking some Slender arse. Just as I turned I heard a blood-curdling scream and a ripping sound. Slender had torn Mark apart and he was now laying in pieces, in a pool of his own blood.

"MARK!!!!!" I called out in despair, crumpling to my knees. I sat there, my entire body wracked with sobs. My vision blurred once again but I hardly noticed. I felt Slender grab me and, just as he was about to tear me apart...

(((A/N Ha, you probably hate me, sorry. I promise that this is NOT a tragedy, please continue reading, I'll update soon. If you see any punctuation, spelling or grammar mistakes, please let me know and I'll edit it. I hope you liked this part, besides the whole Mark and Jack get ripped apart, but I promise that this is NOT a sad story because I don't roll that way and if you keep reading I promise, it WILL get better. Kinda like life. It may seem really bad right now, but it will get better, you just have to hold on long enough and let it.

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