Chapter The Second

218 13 4

Seán P.O.V.


In the same moment, my eyes flew open and I shot bolt upright in my desk chair. I looked at the computer screen which had come on as I'd bumped the mouse when I woke up. My video had finished uploading and according to the numbers in the bottom right corner of the screen, it was after 3:00 am. Had it really all been a dream? It had felt so real. I went back over the events of the dream in my mind. I smiled at my pleasant encounter with Mark, touching my lips at the memory of our kiss. I stayed at this scene for a moment before hesitantly moving on. Tears streamed down my cheeks as slender tore Mark apart and I stopped recalling the dream. The memory was so vivid, why? I sighed and closed out of YouTube and puled up Skype. I clicked on the contact "Markimoo" and typed, 

"Hey Mark, are you busy?"

and hit send. I sat staring at the computer, waiting for him to reply. Every second that passed was a blow to my heart and the image of him laying, in pieces, in a pool of his own blood crept further into my mind the longer I waited. I stared at my message for what seemed like hours. I finally tore my eyes away from it and looked at the time in the corner, comparing it to the time the message had sent, 

"One minute?!?Come ON!" I yelled. I sighed, 

"There's no way he's hurt Jack, it was just a dream. Calm down, okay?" I turned away from my computer, rested my elbow on my knees and put my head in my hands. I sat that way for a while, just trying to gather my thoughts. I looked around my bedroom/recording area and sighed. It felt so empty, the entire apartment did. Maybe the dream was my subconscious telling me I have a crazy crush on Mark and am feeling insanely lonely, as if I didn't already know. I stood and walked out of my bedroom and to the kitchen. I set up and turned on the coffee pot. Was 3 am a bit of an early wake up time? Yeah, but I wasn't going to be able to get back to sleep, so I might as well try to do something productive. I walked over to the kitchen sink and washed my coffee mug slowly, not much feeling up to doing anything quickly. I finished and dried my hands and the mug in the same slow manner I'd washed it. By this time the coffee pot was half full. I walked over to a stool and sat down, watching the coffee brew. While I watched the brown, steaming liquid trickle into the pot, I remembered I'd left my phone in my room so I had no way of knowing whether Mark had messaged me back or not. 

I stood and walked over to my coffee pot, pouring myself a mug. This would be a little stronger and the rest of the pot weaker but I had to get back to my computer and no way was I leaving without coffee. I walked back to my bedroom and over to my computer. I sat down and jiggled the mouse. The screen came on, 3:38 and no reply from Mark. I sighed and took a sip of the strong, hot brew I held in my hands then set it down. I stared at the computer aimlessly for a few moments before sighing yet again and pushing my chair back. I rested my elbows on my knees and my head in my hands as before, unsure of what else to do. I sighed yet again, 

"Mark, please," I said. I suppose he heard me because right then my computer made a happy sound, Mark had messaged me back. I'm not sure if I'd ever moved so fast before because in an instant I was reading Mark's message.

Markimoo: Not now, why?

Jackarooney: Just wanted to talk to you.

The screen changed as a call came in from Mark. I took a deep breath and pressed the accept button. His smiling face popped up and I breathed a sigh of relief. I snuck a peak at myself and immediately regretted it, I looked like absolute shite.


Mark P.O.V.


I called Jack; as soon as he answered my face dropped into a look of worry, he didn't look too good. 

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