Chapter the Fourth

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(((Much weird, probably unnecessary sniffling ahead. Hate me if you want to, that's how it played out in my head.


Seán P.O.V.


The plane was landing soon and I was so excited. Mark didn't know I was going to be there so soon and it was so hard  to keep from telling him, but I'd managed and now he wouldn't find out until I showed up at his door. I'd gotten stuff arranged so I could take a taxi to Mark's as soon as I'd landed and gotten my luggage. I was literally shaking in my seat; I was that  excited.

"Sir, are you alright?" The woman seated next to me asked. I tried to sit still,

"Yes, sorry ma'am, I'm going to see my best friend in person for the first time in forever," I said, still slightly jittery. She nodded,

"I'm glad you're alright, you're kind of scaring me," she said.

"I'm so sorry, miss. I'm trying to stay still but I really just can't help it," I explained. I'd been shaking and grinning like a fool for the past 15 minutes.

"It's so nice to see such happiness; so many people are so negative these days," She said.  I shook my head,

"I'm usually really loud and enthusiastic, it can get really annoying," I admitted. She laughed,

"You seem like a lovely lad," she said.

"Thank you ma'am, I'm Seán," I said, holding my hand out for her to shake.

"Jane," she said, shaking my hand.

"Nice to meet you Jane,"

"Likewise," Right about then we began to land and I had to really focus to keep myself from shaking uncontrollably and breaking something or hurting someone. I heard Jane chuckle next to me, but was unable to respond as all of my mind and willpower was focused on safely getting off the plane, getting my luggage and out to the taxi. Once I sat down, the driver sped off as I made sure he knew where to go. When we arrived I paid him and walked to the door. I set down my suitcase and knocked.


Mark P.O.V.


I heard a knock, so I pressed the cancel button and walked toward the door. I'd been trying to get ahold of Jack for a while but he wasn't answering and - understandably - I was worried. I hoped he was alright. Whoever it was knocked again.

"Hold on, I'm comin'," I said, kind of grumpy as I was overly emotional and upset worrying about Jack. I opened the door,

"Wha--" I was about to grumble but stopped dead,

"Jack?!" I asked, a little too loudly. He was grinning and nodded. I pulled him and his bag inside, shut the door and gave him a huge hug. I couldn't help it, I started crying into his shoulder and soon noticed that he was crying, too.

We stood there for a while, just sobbing onto one another's shoulders. After a bit we pulled away, teary eyed, and sniffled, trying to keep yuck from running down our faces.

"Mark *sniffle* what's wrong?"

"I was worried *sniffle* you wouldn't respond to any *sniffle* messages wouldn't answer any of my calls *sniffle* I had no idea if you were ok or anything," I said, sniffling once more. He let out a small cry,

"I'm so sorry, *sniffle* Mark, I didn't mean to *sniffle* worry you, *sniffle* I just wanted to surprise you," he explained. I chuckled gently,

"It's ok, I understand," I said. He smiled,

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2016 ⏰

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