Travelling to the city and finding a new friend

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You and Yoh walked down the road towards your new school. The night before had been weird, a boy around you age but extremely small had seen you and Yoh hanging about in the cemetery on monument hill. He didn't take it very well and screamed whilst running away. Maybe you'd see that boy around at some point. You both arrived at your classroom and walked in, a scream was heard and you wiped around, the same boy from last night was staring at you with wide eyes and a gaping mouth. "Mortimer, what are you screaming about?"
"i-its them!! Those are the boy and girl i told you about! the ones with the ghosts!!" The boy, you assumed who was called Mortimer, shouted. The bigger boy next to him laughed and then looked at you, you were looking around the class room. "You're crazy Morty! But kinda lucky too, seeing as you got to see that beauty!!!" The boy laughed, making love heart eyes at you. You blushed. It was true though, with your big ,shining (E/C) eyes and (H/L) (H/C) hair you were obviously going to be popular with the boys of this city in the later days (*cough cough* episodes! *cough cough*) to come. "well you too, go and sit down on either side of Mortimer. we'll start the lesson in a minute i just have to go to the office" The teacher made his way out of the classroom and you walked up to your desk, sitting on Morty's desk at the last moment. "So your names Morty huh?" You asked, flipping your hair a little bit and crossing your legs. "Yeah...whats it to you?"
"nothing really, just seeing if I would wanna be your friend or not..." You mused, Morty kept his eyes down but looked up out of curiosity and was caught in your piercing gaze. you smiled sweetly at him, "I'm (F/N) (L/N)! and this is Yoh Asakura" You said pointing to either of you. "sup!" Yoh smiled lazily. 'mistress (F/N), this boy can see ghosts like you and Master Yoh can but cannot make unity with them, how is that possible?' Your guardian ghost Eclipse spoke to you softly. "i don't know Eclipse..." you muttered, taking your seat just as the teacher walked in.

*after school*

You and Yoh stood on the bridge over looking a river that ran through the city. "hey (F/N)?" Yoh asked you, you replied with a yes. "Do you think that guy Morty is watching us?" he asked, you got Eclipse to look for him and sure enough he was, he was looking at you from behind the building. "Morty! could you please stop spying on us? its really rude!!" you shouted, Morty fell over and his eyes widened. "h-how did you know i was-"
"guardian ghost~"
Morty looked at you in confusion. "Is she always like this?"
"nope, only when she likes you!" Morty blushed and you sighed. "not in that way moron..."

*the next day*
The day after Morty came in with a bunch of bandages all over him. "omigosh Morty what happened?!" You asked/screamed when you walked into the class room. "I got beat up at the cemetery by some gang..." He grumbled, you put a hand on his small shoulder, crouching down to his size, "don't worry!" You told him, a dark aura took over you,"we'll take care of those guys! right? Yoh?" "yes ma'am!!" Yoh laughed and fake saluted. That night you three made your way up monument hill and found a man who looked vaguely like Elvis and a group of "thugs" pretty much waiting for you there. "OK, first off, who the hell are you lot and secondly, whats with the hair cut?" The Elvis man gave you one of the scariest glares ever, "i've got a question!" Elvis man pointed his wooden sword at you, "who do you think you are to challenge Rio and the dead enders?!" "me? oh i'm just a simple high school girl with an incredible amount of sass Elvis man!" You smiled sweetly. The man growled and stood back. "I'll give you that, BOYS!!!!" he yelled and four boys lunged at you. "Yoh?" "yup." "SPIRIT FORM ECLIPSE!!! UNITY!!!" "SPIRIT FORM AMIDAMARU!! UNITY!!!" You both made unity with your ghosts and beat the guys easily. The man called Rio ran towards you and swung his sword. "pffft- nope!!" You laughed and launched him towards Yoh, who took a big wad of his hair off! Once he was beaten the rest of them, including Ryu, ran off leaving you, Morty, Yoh, Amidamaru and Eclipse to sit there. You stared at the moon. "Morty?" "Yeah? what is it (F/N)?"
"I think that you should stick with us from now on~"
"yeah, by the way what are you guys?"
You and Yoh looked at each other and laughed.
"we're shamans Morty!" 

The haunting of rubies (shaman king Len x reader x Yoh)Where stories live. Discover now