Back to normal

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  You woke up to the sound of beeping. You opened your eyes to see Yoh, sleeping against the wall and Anna standing next to you. "You're awake" She said, smiling. You sat up and nodded. "What happened?" "You were stabbed by the spirit of fire...You lost a lot of blood..." "Yoh beat Zeke right?" Anna smiled a little wider. "Yeah...He beat him pretty good..." You smirked. "That's our Yoh...So how did I get here?" "Len carried you the whole way back" "Wait what?" "Yeah. He insisted that you stayed with him for the whole journey home. Then carried you to the hospital himself. He cares a lot about you (y/n)...but so do the rest of the boys..." You blushed and looked down. Your torso was bandaged and so was your head now that you felt it. Yoh rose his head from where it was resting. "(y/n)!! You're alive!!" He exclaimed, hugging you tightly. "I'm alive?! You mean you're alive you literally died!! I just passed out!!" You shouted at him before Anna hit him on the head. "No stress on the patient! Oh, and (y/n)?" "Yeah?" "How were you not screaming from pain when Yoh hugged you?" "If I've learned one thing in the shaman tournament it's that some times I hide my emotions a little too well..." " you're internally screaming?" "Well done Yoh" "Hey I just woke up!"

Over the next few weeks you stayed in the hospital, the others came to visit you of course. Yoh was the one who carried you out of the hospital when you were allowed to leave. (Even though you could walk fine). Everything pretty much went back to normal. You started going to school again and sometimes you would make a new friend. Life was going pretty well for you. Even Ayame and Rin Mei moved closer so you could see them when ever you wanted to!


You still had to choose...



Or Yoh?

(If you want any more just say who you want added! Also it's coming to the end of the story!! ;-;)  

The haunting of rubies (shaman king Len x reader x Yoh)Where stories live. Discover now