Meeting Rin Mei

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  You and Ayame walked through the desert plains. "why do the deserts have to be so hot?!" Ayame screamed into the wilderness before sounds of fighting. You and Ayame turned to your right, seeing a girl with dark orange hair, a green eye and a red eye and a slightly crazy outfit fighting a dark tar looking like being.
"whos that Ayame?"
"do you really think i know?"
You formed spirit control and ran towards the two people fighting, seeing the girl get hit to the ground. You slashed the tar being down and it turned to dust, rolling away in the wind. You turned to the girl and smiled, only to have an axe pointed at your neck. "stay away from me!! i'm dangerous!!" Your smile turned into a frown. "yeah well i am too..." The girl gasped silently and looked around for something, picking up a blue eye patch and slipping it over her red eye. Her frown turned into a goofy smile. "Hi!! sorry bout that! it was my alter ego talkin! anyway, i'm Rin Mei and this is my guardian ghost, Quinn!" A ghost girl wearing a jester outfit appeared behind the girl. "ok well then hi Rin Mei! i'm Ayame Hamamoto and this is my guardian ghost Kana, an earthen spirit!" Ayame held out her hand for a handshake which Rin Mei took quickly. "And i'm (y/n) (l/n)! and this is my guardian ghost Eclipse Suzuki!" you smiled at Rin Mei who returned it. "your headed to dobie village i presume?" Eclipse asked Rin Mei. "yup! you wanna come with me and Quinn? it could be fuuun~~!!" She asked us, grinning widely. You and Ayame looked at each other before grinning too. "sure!! Lets go!!" and so you three were off, and you decided to call your team Gesshoku (meaning moonlight).

Just something to add, in the next chapter your going to be gtting into dobie village and its going to be set in the episode where Morty and Rio go walking around Dobie village and Len and Trey beat Joco up. so yeah! look forward to it!! OH!!! and also, this is going to be a yoh x reader x len but your going to end up with Len (or Yoh if you shout at me for it).   

The haunting of rubies (shaman king Len x reader x Yoh)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora