Yoh vs Len, a romantic competition?!

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  It was all down to Yoh vs Len, who ever won would go on to the shaman tournament and who ever lost would be eliminated. (Y/N) and Morty stood out in the open space along with Yoh and Amidamaru (who was floating). You felt a slight chill run up your spine and after a few seconds Lenny burst into the clearing on a white horse. your eyes snapped open. After the fight with Faust you were ready for anything, you had to protect Yoh and Morty. (Yeah I'm not going to write that chapter...that episode is just not interesting to me...) Len jumped off his horse and smirked, "what a get up Yoh" you laughed a little "yeah, you should have seen him, he got changed In public!!" You laughed harder. Yoh looked at you annoyed
"you liked it!"
"No I did not!!"
You yelled at him in embarrassment. Len glared daggers at Yoh. How.dare.he. That's pretty much all that he was thinking the time. The two went off talking about how they had to win the fight in order to become shaman king. Suddenly their oracle bells rang and the fight was going to begin. He stood in awe of how fast the attacks were. Len immediately attacked Yoh, but Yoh was able to dodge the attack. After Yoh got knocked back by Len's next attack, Yoh was able to dodge Tao Ren's surprise attack with Amidamaru's help. Yoh takes a few blows from Len's big oversoul attacks. As Yoh and Len clash again, Yoh is able to break Len's big oversoul by stabbing it in it's weak spot. As Lenny attacked Yoh again out of anger, Yoh was able to dodge and break his big oversoul again. Morty heard you murmur something and looked at you in question, surprised to see your face was serious and more mature than normal. "What did you say (y/n)?" You smiled softly "since the shaman fight is a mental battle, Lenny is paying for being angry with Yoh breaking his oversoul..." Morty looked at you in a strange way but soon understood it. As Len re-created his big oversoul again, you see the pain in his eyes. "He didn't want to do all of this..." You mumble. Len dashes towards Yoh again. "But it's all he knows..." You mumble to your self in shock. Yoh and Len both got knocked down by each other's attacks. Both of them state that they can't lose. "I dunno if you've noticed but YOU BOTH ALREADY SAID THAT AT THE START OF THIS FIGHT YOU IDIOTS!!!" You shout at them, clearly annoyed. Yoh looks at you and glares in annoyance whilst Len just blushes. Yoh turns back to Len whilst you mumble "fine then be like that, jeez, someone's on their man period..." Morty heard this and burst out laughing. Len oversouled the spirit of Bason's horse inside his horse. As Len attacked Yoh again, As Len said that Yoh can never beat his ability, Yoh said that he will receive it all and fight it, making Len laugh. Yoh then created an oversoul equal to the size of Len oversoul. Yoh and Len then attack each other with full force. The dust settles and you see Len run out of Furyoku. As Lenny acknowledged Yoh as the winner, Yoh told him that he ran out of Furyoku as well. So they both decided to get mad at each other! Making you get mad and walk up to them punching them in the head and screaming "STOP FIGHTING NANCY!!!" They both looked at you like you were mental but sighed. Silva walked up to you four and told you that it was a tie. Causing Morty to dance like an idiot. You grabbed Len's hand and pulled him towards you! Yoh and Anna's house
"w-w-what are you doing?!"
"Taking you back to ours!!! You're gonna have fun!!"
You laugh as Yoh and Morty run behind you. Silva looks at you and smiles "that girl is destined for greatness..."

After a while Len settles around you guys and actually went into the onset with the boys. You proceeded to make chocolate cake, and boy did you make a lot! When the boys got back in they smelt the cake and raced to the kitchen, you turned around, unknowingly making you look like you had sparkles in your eyes and around you and making your hair swish around your face dramatically. Which pretty much turned Yoh, Morty and Trey into jelly around you and Len just stood there staring with a huge blush on his face! At the end of the night you followed Yoh outside where Len was getting ready to set off. He had his black cape on and was just about to get on white Phoenix. "Going so soon?" You asked with a tired smile on your face. Len turned to you and smiled softly "yes, there is something which I must do..." "You should really stay for pancakes!" Yoh tempted him. "I'm afraid this can't wait" you smiled brightly, "ok then, guess I gotta do this now then!" You walked up to him and kissed his cheek softly. "All you needed was friends and you turned out alright Lenny... We're here for you..." With that you walked of to bed. Len blushed and turned to face Yoh after he jumped in white Phoenix. "She really is something isn't she..." "Yup...and I've had the pleasure of knowing her since we were kids!" "We still are kids Yoh..." "You know what I meant!" "Anyway, I guess I'll be seeing you around then..." "Yup!" With that he was off. On the train Len thought about what his uncle had taught him "humans are vile and disgusting creatures?" He thought of you and when you had kissed him, he touched his cheek. "No, your wrong..." Len was going to prove to his uncle that he wasn't going to be controlled by anger anymore. He was going to prove that he could love someone. He was going to prove to you that he could love someone. And that someone is you.  

The haunting of rubies (shaman king Len x reader x Yoh)Where stories live. Discover now