Chapter Five

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I quickly snapped my head up and rubbed my eyes. I heard faint cries coming from the other side of the door. I turned over swiftly, and walked to open the door. Christopher stood their with a distraught Royalty, bawling her eyes out.

He wasn't really adapting to this father thing as quickly as I thought he would. "I don't know what's wrong with her." he said in his morning voice.

"She's probably hungry." I mumbled, ignoring his effective voice. "I just put her on a bottle ima' go grab it." He said handing me Royalty. I began to calm her down, as I waited for Chris.

In the past me and Chris tried a relationship, but he couldn't see me as anything more than a friend, I eventually got over myself and we agreed to still be friends and our bond has grown very strong. Although, I wish that this was our child, and our home, I can't cross those boundaries anymore.

Chris came back into the room with a warm bottle and royalty instantly reached for it. "see." I smiled at him. He let out a forced smile, I guess he was still mad at me from yesterday.

"Alright come on baby stink." he said grabbing royalty from off my lap, As she still managed to have a grip on her bottle.

"Chris." I said barely above a whisper. He turned to acknowledge me, "Where did you go yesterday?" I asked, very aware of his whereabouts. "I went to visit somebody." he spoke harshly.  I knew he was mad, but damn it wasn't even my fault.

I sighed and jogged down the steps, I noticed my things packed up beside the couch."Need some help?" Asked an oh so familiar voice (Chresanto) Before I could answer he had already began to pick up things and lugg them up the steps.

I sucked my teeth as I watched him set them down and go to grab more. I rummaged through the first box looking for something to wear. I settled for my distressed shorts, a simple black tank top, and my black sandals I laid my outfit out and began to run my shower water. "Where you going?" Chres back in my room with more boxes.

"To work."

He stood in the middle of my room catching his breath before questioning me more.

"Why because of your face?" He asked.


I touched my face immediately flinching, I guess he thought I was going to make sure nothing was broken.

"No." I mumbled.

I walked into the linen closet and retrieved a face towel and big towel. I stopped dead in my tracks to face him, he was still in my room and he looked lost, "Why are you still here?" I questioned bitterly. "Oh, I was going to see if you wanted a ride or something, because I was heading that way anyways..." He stated akwardly.

"I have my own damn car I don't need a ride from you." I retorted, walking in the bathroom and slamming the door.

I washed up in my favorite coconut scented body wash and washed my hair. I wrapped a towel around my body and brushed my teeth and covered my bruises with a little makeup.
I slipped on my clothes and pushed a par of Gucci Shades in my hair. I sprayed on some perfume and grabbed my purse and headed downstairs.

Chresanto was now on the couch, texting someone. I rolled my eyes and continued towards. I hopped in my car and proceeded to get it running but it would not start. I sucked my teeth, frustrated. How was I going to get to work?! I thought to myself, I let out a whine when I chopped down my reasonable options.

I stomped back to the house opening the door, Chresanto was still on the same spot on the couch. I walk towards him, placing a light tap on his shoulder. "Wassup?" He asked not even looking at me. "umm, can you please give me a ride?" I forced out.

He chuckled.

"you got manners now?"

I sucked my teeth, "is that a yes or no?" I asked impatiently.

"You got gas money?" He asked, I knew he was doing this just to be petty, "are you serious right now? I never asked you for anything and you can't do this one favor?!"

"I was just playing girl, damn." He said getting up and grabbing his keys. We stared at each other for a moment.

"Are you going to go?" He questioned smartly.

I rolled my eyes and walked out the house to his car. I got in and secured myself in the seatbelt. Chresanto got in and started up the car, "Thank you." I mumbled.

"Mm hm"

"You know Creston been asking about you, He dosent like his new nurse." He said trying to start a conversation. "who's his new nurse?" I asked, curious. I didn't know they gave up my position.

"This fine ass Latina" he stressed.

A hint of jealousy hit the pit of my stomach. I don't know why though, "I miss Creston, I'll have to make it up to him." I said, ignoring his previous statement.

"Why do you care so much?" he asked, out of the blue. I looked puzzled, but quickly shook it off "what?" I asked pulling my shades down over my face. "Why do you care so much. About Creston?" he asked concentrating on the road. "Because he's sweet and a good kid. He has a good heart, and I care about him" I replied.

He snickered.

"that's surprising, because you haven't been acting like that lately. You just have this-this I don't give a fuck attitude." he replied, with the same still tone of voice and demeanor. But my demeanor completely changed.

"I don't care? If I didn't care I wouldn't come and see him at all, I wouldn't give a damn about the shit he goes through, but I do, so how dare you say that to me?!" I said now pissed.

"You don't even care about yourself Cassie." He mumbled.

"Fuck you." I mumbled feeling hot tears run down my cheeks.

"You don't care, you didn't care enough to get out of that relationship, or what he was doing to you. I was there, I tried to help you. But you were too stubborn-"

He stopped himself and just stayed quiet. I wiped my wet eyes and just looked out the window, he really just started and argument with me, everyone is always against me.

It wasn't even my fault and everyone's mad at me.

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