Chapter 2 Bubby

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Jenna and Mark decided to have another child after their disaster with PD. Her name was Bria Davis. But since PD went crazy of spider venom, he thought Bria was some kind of monster. So now let's get to the story.

Pd saw Bria in her crib, so he walked over to her.
"Hi little baby." He said his two buck teeth sticking out.
Bria looked at him for a moment then started crying as loud as she could. She smirked at PD. Pd's eyes widened and his teeth stuck out even more.
"PD!" Yelled Mark at the top of his voice. Pd's teeth stuck out even more and his eyes widened the size of apples.
"We just put the baby to sleep!" Exclaimed Jenna. Bubby (Bria) started laughing and pointing at PD. Then PD saw it his only escape. Harry Potter glasses lying on the Kitchen counter.
Pd went and snatched and threw them over his eyes making yet another stupid face. Pd scrunched up his lips and started whispering to himself. Mop mop mop. Was the sound he made. Mark slammed open the door.
"PD! Come out!"
Working up all his courage he popped his head from behind the door still doing the weird lips known as meep.
"Pd's not here right now." He said in that odd tone.
"Then who's here?" Yelled Mark.
"My name is Professor Meep." He said still doing the lips.
"Then who woke the baby!" Exclaimed Mark.
"I don't know, pd left 5 days ago."
"Then you woke the baby!"
Yelled Mark.
"No." Said Meep.
"Your the only one in the room!"
"No I-"
"You woke the baby!"
"It's me PD!" Said Pd throwing off the glasses.
That is the end of that little... Mistake by PD.

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