Chapter 3 Mr. Waaster

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Pd his face frightened, followed Waa Waaster.
"Hurry up! Slave!"
Pd whimpered.
"Yes sir, Mr. Waaster." Said Pd.
"Help me make my bed!"
He called.
"Yes Mr. Waaster." He walked to Waa's room only to find an unmade bed.
Pd rushed in.
"No!" Howled Waa.
He walked over to the beside.
"Hold this!" He yelled at Pd throwing his a red pillow. Pd caught it but it touched the ground.
"Don't let it touch the ground!"
"Yes Mr. Waaster." Said PD nervously.
"Give me it!"
Pd ran over handed him the pillow, bowed then left the room.
"Hold this pd!" Pd caught the second pillow.
"Give me it pd!" Yelled Waa. Pd confused hesitated.
"Hurry up!" He snarled.
Pd Handed him the pillow bowed and left again.
When the bed was made, Waa pulled out his wip.
Pd walked forward.
"Hurry up!" Yelled Waa slapping pd with the wip.
That is another epic fail by Pd.

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