The Bet

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Dippers POV

Shit, why did I let her drag me into this stupid bet.
Now I have to tell Wendy everything!

10 Minutes Ago

" hey dipper" says my ridiculously cheerful twin sister mabel "wanna play a game?" This can't be good.
" what game?" I ask slighlty scared, I can here her giggle " smash" she replies, "which one", " melee".

God I love melee, its the best smash ever. I run towards the lounge and grab my controller then choose my main. Mewtwo!

I can here Mabel giggle, "what did u do?" I ask, knowing she's up to something. " who me, nothing" she replies stiffling laughter.

She chooses pichu, as usual and we get to stage select, "ok dipper here's the deal, if I lose I have to give Robby a makeover but if u lose u have to tell Wendy your feelings".

I look at her annoyed for a second before I realise, she sucks at smash I can win.

We choose final destination and when the match started I knew I was screwed.

She wasn't pichu... She was giga bowser!

" how did u?" I splutter before Mabel interrupts me " old man mcgucket hacked the game for me"

And so after 3 painful minutes I lost, 31-0.

I can hear Mabel burst into laughter as I walk off into the woods.

Hey everyone first chapter, woo.
I'm not very good at fanfics but I hope I can do this right.
Anyway enjoy.

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