The Fire

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Dippers pov

I open my eyes and see fire, "AHHHH!!!" I scream reacting to it, why is the shack on fire and where is Mabel?

I see that the fire hasn't got to the door so I run downstairs as I get to the gift shop, I see that the roof has collapsed and then I hear a voice, it was Wendy.

"Dipper" she screamed in agony " help me", " oh my god!!" I shout in shock as I run towards her and try to get her out, the roof is collapsing on us.

"D-Dipper" she mutters weakly "I" and then she stops, she isnt breathing, "Wendy" I say anxiously " are you OK".

She doesn't respond, "NO, you can't die" I begin to cry " I'm in love with you and I cant be alone, don't die, I love you Wendy"...

And then I wake up.

I Love You Wendy, Wendip FanficWhere stories live. Discover now