part four

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|:reader pov:|

Dear diary,

since jeffery's disapperance, the whole town's been acting weird. any one who's meet jeffery on the one day he went to school eyes turn purple but im the only one who can see it. if i ask others about it their eyes turn green and say stuff like 'did you get enough sleep, honey?' or 'i think it is time to talk about your drug abuse'. my family did go to the dinner party at the woods along with jane's family, every one act at is things were normal as if jeffery never existed. and that's not the worst part since i started seeing the different color eyes, i have been getting dreams. in some i am a fallen angel, i wonder through the woods until i start hearing things like 'We are coming...', 'he sees with no eyes...' and 'i am a proud father of my little demon...'.
to top that off, here comes the engine of the freak train, our last house burnt down. but its ok, mom bought the house across the street. (B/N) died in the fire and mom was really depress. she lives in a motel now and sends money whenever needed.


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