The Sun'll Come Out Tomorrow

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A little while later, the dumbwaiter dinged.  Will walked over and opened the little door.  He looked back at me in amazement and I just shrugged.  He brought the tray over and set it on the bed.  It had two plates of lasagna and two glasses of lemonade as well as a bottle of ibuprofen.

"Wow.  This looks amazing," Will exclaimed.

"Yeah, Marie's a really good cook," I told him, downing two ibuprofen with a swallow of lemonade.

We ate our dinner in silence.  About half way through the ibuprofen kicked in and the pain in my leg turned into dull throbbing.  When we were done, Will took our dishes back to the dumbwaiter and grabbed his guitar case, flipping it on its back.  He opened it and pulled out his guitar.  It was a simple wood color but it wasn't solid like most guitars.  It looked like someone cut down a tree, sliced it into tiny thin slivers, stained on of them, and stuck it onto the front of the guitar.  It was beautiful.

"I wanted to play you something," Will said, coming to sit back on my bed.

"Alright," I shifted nervously. 

Will starts singing "I woke up in a stranger's bed, with pins and needles in my head, and the clock ticking off the wall.  Oh yeah, oh yeah."

I listen closely as he continues to sing "Something's Gotta Give" by All Time Low.  Will's voice floated over the notes like he's been singing the song all his life.  He looked down at his fingers that were pressing into the strings.  He glanced up and noticed me staring.  I caught his glaze and held it for the rest of the song.  I felt a strange desire to lean in and kiss him, which was stupid because he was probably straight.

Will finished the song and the last notes faded out, leaving behind still air.  I suddenly realized how close Will and I were sitting.  I backed up a little bit.  I could've sworn I saw disappointment flash across Will's face.

"What did you think?" Will asked, looking back down at his guitar.

"That was amazing," I told him.  It was my turn to be astounded.  Will had the voice of an angel and I was pretty sure his fingers were magic.  "Could you-could you teach me to play like that?" I asked.  I really wanted to be ale to impress him and the only way I really knew how to convey a meaningful message was through music and I felt like t would just mean more if I sang a song instead of playing one on my stereo.

"Of course.  Here," Will handed me his guitar and adjusted it on my lap so I was holding it right.  He started going on about the parts of a guitar and how the sound works.  He told me about his specific guitar, which was an acoustic/electric.  It had a built-in tuner and could be hooked up to an amp.

For the next couple hours, Will continued to guide me through the basics of playing the guitar. My whole body tingled whenever he touched my hand the correct the chord I was trying to play. I tried to ignore the feeling. It wouldn't help me in any way. It wouldn't help Will either. In fact, if I wanted to make his school life at least bearable I ought to have pulled myself away. But I just couldn't bear to.

I finally put down the guitar at nine-o-clock that night. I fell back on the bed after handing the guitar back to Will. He was sitting with his back against my headboard.

"Tired Sunshine?" Will asked. I could hear the smile on his voice.

"No, but my back hurts a little,"
I admitted. The dull throb in my leg hadn't lessened, but it hadn't gotten any worse. Bella lifted her head from the carpet where she had been dozing peacefully for the entirety of my guitar lesson.

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