Chapter 1

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This is a Teen Wolf fanfic with a little spin on it, Stiles is a Demon, and no this is NOT a STEREK fanfic, but I do not hate on those who ship them, and that doesn't mean I won't add a little something for your slasher hearts along the way, but meh whatever. I am not usually into sexual stories, and I'm sorry to inform if I do go anywhere near there, it will probably just cut to the next morning or whenever.

BTW: I do not own Supernatural or Teen Wolf obviously, and I give them full credit for creating two of my favorite fandoms

Obviously this is fanfic so if you want to take my idea and add to it shred it or put it online anywhere I don't care, have fun and enjoy

Chapter 1

I didn’t plan this, I never intended for it to go this far. I have never done anything like this before, and I have lived for a long fucking time. I only wanted a meat suit, a body that I could use to raise my own little corner of hell from. I suppose thinking back that there was a part of me telling me that I had only risen, and that I had to lay low as it doesn’t do well to attract hunters on your first day out. I can’t help but wonder why it had to be California, why it had to Beacon Hills, why it had to be that day. A young woman was in the hospital bed, and she was having a baby. I could tell right away that there were complications. The woman was sick, dying, albeit slowly, but her body was rejecting the baby, and it was going to be dead long before it came out. I guess it is ironic, but I don’t know what possessed me to do it, but something made me dive down this woman’s throat. Her eyes turned completely black for a moment, but she wasn’t my prize, she was only my garage door so to speak. I left her consciousness and entered the baby’s.

 I could feel the pathetic little thing fading, but I couldn’t seem to find myself able to let the woman whom I was now inside of lose her child, I don’t know why, all human emotion was quite literally burned from me long ago, so why was I doing this. I felt myself moving, and then I saw light, a lot of light. The doctors said I was a miracle, and my new mother was all too eager to accept this, as she was afraid of the possible complications, since she vaguely remembered my presence momentarily inside of her. I know humans are weird, but the name she gave me was… well it isn’t important; the only important thing is that it needs to go.

The most difficult thing I have ever done was adjust to human life. Part of me wanted to kill everyone that I came across, but being in this body for so long has had its effect on me. I don’t know exactly when it happened, but somehow I started feeling again. I wanted to make my mother and father proud of me, I wanted to make friends and be loved, and I wanted to be human. I remember when I met my best friend, his name is Scott. We were inseparable, and we did everything together. I remember yearning for that one friend who would accept me, and be there for me and it seemed I had found it in Scott, and life was perfect. Then in the third grade I had met the girl that I became so infatuated with that it seemed impossible. Her name is Lydia. I quietly pined for her, but I am not human, and I have to remind myself of this every day. Part of me wants to take her, make her mine and not care if I hurt her as long as I get what I want, albeit this body isn’t even capable of doing the things I was imagining, but I knew from that moment that I couldn’t trust myself around her, because for some reason she was too precious to me.

My life went along perfectly, until I started smelling something from my mother. With sudden realization, I remembered the day I took the child; I remembered that I knew she was dying. I don’t know how could I forget that, how could I be so powerful and still so helpless to save her at the same time. She knew that she was dying, and the only thing she cared about was me and dad. I wanted to do something to make her better, do anything, but I am not that kind of creature, I am born to bring misery not relief, and so I could do nothing as she wasted away. I remember the funeral, Scott was there, and it seemed surreal. I still couldn’t believe that she was gone, I mean how could I, I have the power to burn this planet, okay a bit exaggerated but you get my point, I was more than human, so why couldn’t I stop just one from dying. After that my dad developed a drinking problem, and I decided to spend my energy trying to help him cope, rather than wallow in my self-pity, and truthfully I think that is the only thing that stopped me from throwing all that I worked for away and becoming the monster that I fight so hard to suppress.

I became the rock that held my father, and Scott became the rock that held me. I remember thinking that I wouldn’t know what to do without him here to help me, and I think he knew that he was all that kept me going too. Then he got bit. He was bit, and he slowly became a werewolf. I blame myself, as I talked him into those woods, I talked him into trying to help me find the body, and I didn’t stop him and make him come with me when my dad caught me. I recognized the wound right away, and felt bad that I had to lie to him and slowly lead him to the truth, but how could I explain such knowledge of how I knew it was a werewolf bite right away. So, we started adjusting to life, and I helped him as best as I could, but then he met Allison. I probably shouldn’t have hated her, but I know it was a jealousy thing, like when I had to watch Lydia stay with Jackson, it was just jealousy, and I was powerful, I could get through it. I looked down quickly as I realized that I was being too emotional and my eyes had turned completely ink black because of it.

I am writing this on Microsoft word to maximize proof reading ability, which is why the font is different from the beginning but this is my first post of a story online ever so any feedback would be appreciated, and any good suggestions that you give me and I use will be properly credited, Thanks for reading! If you like, I was thinking of rewriting every episode into this little twist, but that is a working idea.


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