Chapter 5

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So, I think that some of my teachers are starting to notice that I am more intelligent than I let on, so I will have to make a note to show them that they are just imagining this. After school, I have free time to kill, so I do my homework and initially plan on hanging out with Scott, but wouldn’t you know it he is off with Allison. Well, this is fine so I just play on my computer, and I doze off. I dream again, this time I see Azazel kidnapping people, and dropping them off in some ghost town, some kind of test for the kids he laced. I kind of get the feeling that he knows I am there, and it creeps me out. I try to focus really hard on waking up, but I can’t, and I start seeing the girl he just took kill people, she is killing everyone.

I woke up sweating, and it is night. I hear my dad on the phone, and I hear the words attack and animal, and I grimly prepare for this again. I follow my dad, and apparently some my dad sees me here and he gets angry and tries to send me off. I wait around for a while and when it is quiet, I teleport into the store. I look for evidence of the attack, and it is obvious that the alpha did this. I give up here for clues and go home. I don’t want to go back to sleep, afraid of dreaming again, so I decide to stay awake, which isn’t hard; demons don’t need to sleep it’s just a luxury.

The next day in school, I arrive in time to see Scott leave with Allison, and that means I’m alone today. In chemistry, I try to talk to Danny about it, as he is Jackson’s best friend. After arguing with him for a while, he finally tells me that Jackson won’t tell him anything about it, and I sigh as he is apparently useless, and I decide to make it awkward for him by randomly asking if gay guys find me attractive. I enjoy the discomfort he has while he fumbles for an answer, but after that my day is boring and so I do my best and try to drudge my way through the rest of my classes.

I decide to try my luck with Lydia, as she is drugged now and may be able to give me more answers. I quickly find out this is a dud, as she is basically catatonic, but her phone rings and I answer it. I go through her phone, and I see a picture of the alpha. My eyes go black, if she has evidence that is a sure way to bring hunters here, and I will not have this. I delete the picture and put the phone down, and leave too angry to stay. I try to call Scott, but the dumb bastard has his phone off and I can’t.

My dad goes to the parent teacher conference that night, which I’m sure will go well, in order to convince my teachers that I am dumb I bull shit on some tests which I’m sure will get back to my dad. I need to think of a way to throw the hunters off of this werewolf thing, so I come up with a quick plan.

I decide to plant false evidence in a manner of speaking. I go and get myself a big kitty, a mountain lion to be exact, and I teleport it to Beacon Hills High, and let it loose. People start screaming, and then it goes to hell. I kind of enjoy it a bit, but then my dad got hit by a car. I am over to him faster than I should have, but no one notices, and Allison’s father shot the cat, which by the way was very unnecessary. I check my dad and see that he will live, so I am kind of relieved, but I decide that I need to put more careful planning into my schemes before I pull them off.

I decide that I have had too much today and need to sleep anyway, so I decide to risk the visions again. As I drift off, I see things, Azazel in a monastery; he is hitching a ride in a man. I watch him slit the throat of every woman there, and it makes me sick that he is doing this. He collects their blood and starts a chant. I see the ground shaking beneath him, and then I hear the worst thing I have ever heard in my entire existence. I hear the voice of Lucifer, coming from one of the dead nuns. It is terrifying to me, and he talks to Azazel about how he is going to spring him from his cage. I can’t believe that this is what he is planning on, I assumed it was some scheme for him to rule over all, but I see now that it is so much bigger, and this is the worst news I have heard yet, it trumped everything in Beacon Hills, because if he rises, there won’t be a world left for me to be exorcised from. I woke up, and realized I was levitating and my eyes were black. I dropped myself, this time with a thud, I was really unnerved, and I was glad to see I hadn’t woken my father. I knew that something had to be done about this plan.

I gave it a few days, and then I looked up attacks on monasteries in the world, and the only one I found remotely similar had happened years ago. I knew that demons could have visions, but could they have visions of the past, and if they could, would I be able to see the future as well!

So, does anyone actually read my story, cause I have no comments, and I just wana know how I'm doing okay?

New Chapter coming 4/21

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