Chapter 6

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I went to school for the next couple of days angry as hell at Scott. I probably shouldn’t have been, but I needed someone to blame and well demons and blaming others, we do well together. I was angrier at myself, angry that I still had nothing on this alpha, and that the more time I wasted the more dangerous it got for me. To make matters worse, even when I did get over it, and tried to call Scott to apologize, the little prick ignored my calls, and sent them straight to voice mail. I was still livid at school today, when Scott came up to me and told me that we needed to talk. I ignored him, but then he told me it was about the alpha.

While it was unlikely that anything the kid was going to tell me I didn’t already know, I still was hoping that I might catch a break, since the whole dream research was turning out to be a total bust. Well, as it turned out, I did learn something, the alpha had scrawled the spiral for revenge on Scott’s car. I obviously didn’t tell him about that, but I had somewhere to start my search this time. If the alpha was out for revenge, then the victims should all be linked. I swore at myself, I can’t believe I didn’t see it before. I was being too careless, and I was getting tired of having to tell myself that. Then Scott turned the conversation back to his petty needs and wants, and I once again found myself wondering why I was his friend. One thing caught my interest, and made my skin crawl, he asked me what La Bête du Gévaudan, and I asked him where that had come up nonchalantly. He told me that Kate had told Allison to look it up, and I knew that Allison’s training as a hunter would be starting soon.

Something Scott told me made me angry, Derek had been training him. I did not trust him, and I wanted Scott to stay away from him for now. I told Scott that I would train him myself, but I would work out those details later. I decide that I would try to get him in control with Derek’s method anger. I put a heart monitor on him, and then I decided to get my revenge. I pelted him with lacrosse balls, repeatedly. I probably shouldn’t have enjoyed it as much as I did, but hey why not. It was all fun and games, until he started to lose control, so I stopped. I could sense Jackson watching us, but I couldn’t explain knowing he was there, when even Scott didn’t and he was supposed to be better at detection than I was.

Something interesting happened in class later. Coach was giving Scott a hard time, and I could see him losing it. I was getting worried, but then Allison started to calm him down, and then I knew it, she was going to be his anchor, and I hated that more than I care to admit. I needed to test that theory, so I pulled Scott outside, and well, I shouldn’t have done it but I did, I keyed a car and blamed it on Scott. Before they beat him up, I told him to think of Allison. Scott took the beating, but didn’t change. My theory was right, but then we got detention. While there I made up with Scott, and then we were actually let go.

Scott had to go to work, but I had other things to do. It had been too long since I had known what was going on, so I made a little trip to a crossroads. I called up a demon that I could trust, her name is unimportant, and she filled me in on what was going on. From what she knew, Azazel was trying to open a Devil’s Gate and let out an army of demons, and he was trying to find someone to lead that army. I knew about the leader of the army part, but I didn’t know about the Devil’s Gate. This was bad, but before we could continue our little meeting, Scott called me. Apparently Derek had kidnapped his boss, Mr. Deaton.

Deaton is a threat to me, but his disappearance would surely alert the Argents and from there, they would call in other hunters, so I told Scott to bring Derek to the school with Deaton. I waited at the school for hours, and patience is not one of my ever shortening numbers of virtues, so I was a bit broody about it all. When everyone finally showed up I took Scott into the school to summon the actual alpha. This was partly due to my wanting to finally see the thing, but also because Deaton could potentially be an ally in the future if I saved his life now. When Scott howled, it was the most pitiful thing I had ever seen. I would have laughed a lot more if he didn’t look so god damned embarrassed. I helped him concentrate and the second howl was actually a bit terrifying, which is a compliment I guess.

Unfortunately, I didn’t think about how loud it would be, and that had potential to be a problem. When we got back out there Derek went into the lecture, but I told him to stop being such a sour wolf, and that it was awesome, even if I did agree; only I tell Scott off. I asked about Deaton, and well it turned out that he disappeared. As I swore, because how do I lose a human, something appeared behind Derek, and sunk its claws into his back. It threw his body across the lawn and stared at us. Scott screamed and ran into the school. I silently swore, because I could totally take this bitch, but I couldn’t because there was a witness, at least a witness that I couldn’t, well more like rather wouldn’t take care of, so I went into the school after Scott.

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